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Esl Family Night May 11, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Esl Family Night May 11, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Esl Family Night May 11, 2016

2 We had over 55 people come to watch our Program
We shared interesting moments, learned and laughed.

3 Dr. Pierce welcomed everyone

4 First ELLs in grades 12-4 presented using posters they had created
First ELLs in grades 12-4 presented using posters they had created. Here a student presents his Novel Project as part of his Culminating Project.

5 Here an 8th and 7th grader discuss topics they have learned, From Immigration Then and Now to Forms of Writing.

6 From Reading to writing we can study poems to learn descriptive language and then use that to describe different habitats. Here we see an ELL discussing 3 different poems and habitats and then comparing them. Do you know the differences between the Southwestern Desert, the Dubai Desert and Murrysville habitats?

7 Ells in grades 1 & 2 presented a play- To Change or Not to Change: Mr
Ells in grades 1 & 2 presented a play- To Change or Not to Change: Mr.Moon , Mr. Earth and Miss wind.

8 Alphabet &Letter sounds; Lead the way for reading.
Kindergarteners described the reading and writing process in their chant: Alphabet &Letter sounds; Lead the way for reading. Talking, sharing, making lists; Help us with our writings. Come take a look and see in our books, Our Writings of our readings! Yay!

9 Then each kindergartener read one of the stories they had written from books they read.

10 More Kindergarteners presented their stories

11 And more kindergarteners . . .

12 After our program we shared our food and relaxed and got to know one another.

13 And ate. . . Everyone had a great time at Esl Family Night 2016.

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