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AQA Paper 1 – Christianity

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1 AQA Paper 1 – Christianity
March 2019 AQA Paper 1 – Christianity 1st Can you define ascension? Can you define resurrection (2)? Give 3 ways Jesus’ followers knew Jesus had come back to life after death Why did Thomas doubt Jesus had come back to life? Give 3 reasons why a bodily resurrection is not possible/ not believed in Give 3 reasons why a bodily resurrection is possible/ believed in Can you define atonement? 2nd Can you define salvation? “God so loved the world he gave his only son” (John) – how does this quote link to God’s benevolence AND salvation Jesus’ last words were ‘father into your hand I commit my spirit’ (Luke). What does that show about Jesus’ belief in the afterlife? Can you define Bible? Which book are the 10 commandments found in? Can you define Word? Give 2 reasons why Jesus is referred to as ‘the word’ 3rd Can you define baptism? Can you define believers baptism? When Jesus was baptized a voice from heaven said ‘you are my son’ (Mark). What does this show about Jesus? Where and how was Jesus baptized? “love your neighbour as yourself” – what did Jesus mean? Who did Jesus say your neighbour is? 4th Explain the difference between liturgical and non-liturgical worship “informal worship is more powerful than liturgical worship” – what do you think? Give 2 reasons for your point of view. Why might someone disagree with you? Give 2 Bible readings used in liturgical worship Why might people feel emotional during worship What are rosary beads and how are they used in prayer? What is an icon and how can it be used in prayer? 5th Give 2 examples of set prayers Give 2 reasons why someone might chose to worship privately Give 2 reasons why someone might chose to worship in a church Give 2 reasons why someone might chose to worship as a church Where did the lord’s prayer come from? Why might some Catholics chose to pray before they eat? 6th Can you define Christian? Can you define catholic? Can you define orthodox? Can you define evangelism? Can you define protestant? Give 4 denominations of Christianity What practical things can a street pastor do to help people? “faith by itself, it is not accompanied by action is dead” (James) – what does this mean? 7th Complete this line from the Nicene Creed – ‘We ______ in ___ God’ What is advent? How many day does it last? What is it counting down until? Where is the Christian creation story found? Name 4 of Jesus’ disciples Name 2 set prayers 8th Can you define Christ? Can you define the son? What does Jesus’ title ‘the son of God’ show? Explain how a street pastor is following the example set by Jesus Give 2 things that a street pastor does 9th Give 3 sources of wisdom and authority for Christians What does immanent mean? What does transcendent mean? Which term describes God becoming flesh? How did Mary know she was pregnant? 10th God will answer prayers but sometimes not the way people want/would expect/realise. Why is this? Give 2 reasons someone might use a food bank Northern Ireland is living through ‘the troubles’. What are these? How are Christians trying to achieve peace in Northern Ireland? 11th Can you define Christmas? How was Jesus conceived? How did Mary learn she was pregnant? What does this show about Jesus? Give 4 ways Christians celebrate Christmas What happens at midnight mass? 12th Can you define Church (3)? Christians are monotheists. Give 2 pieces of evidence for this Jesus said ‘I am the light of the world’. What did he mean? How does this link the Christians use of a candles? What does agape mean?

2 AQA Paper 1 – Christianity
March 2019 AQA Paper 1 – Christianity 13th Can you define creation? List the days of creation (6) What did God do on day 7? What does ‘Ex Nihlo’ mean? Where is the Christian creation story found? (Book/Chapter) Give 2 different interpretations of the creation story What role did the WORD have in creation? “let there be light and there was light” (genesis) tells us what about God? After each stage of creation God saw it was ‘good’. What does this tell us about the creation? 14th Can you define crucifixion? Give 2 ways Jesus suffered mentally after his arrest Give 2 ways Jesus suffered physically after his arrest People thought Jesus would have saved himself for crucifixion. Why is it important that he didn’t? Can you define Easter? What is the paschal candle and how and when is it used? What is holy week? Give 3 events of holy week What 2 things do eggs represent at Easter? Give 5 ways a Christian might celebrate Easter Candles and lamps maybe lit during celebrations at Easter. Why? 15th Can you define eucharist? What is the eucharist remembering? Give 2 other names for Eucharist What items are placed on the altar during the eucharist What does the red wine represent? What does the wafer bread represent? Give 2 ways taking part in the eucharist could influence the life of the believer Explain how the eucharist is celebrated in 2 different Christian denominations Explain why Christians celebrate the eucharist Name 3 people who were at the last supper Why did Jesus call the last supper the last supper 16th Can you define CAFOD (catholic agency for overseas development)? Can you define Christian Aid? Can you define persecution? Can you define Tearfund? Can you define street pastors? Can you define food banks? Can you define suffering? If things go wrong Christians should still trust God. Who in the Bible (OT) didn’t trust God when he was subjected to extreme suffering? What is the story of the good Samaritan? What is a food voucher? What is Lent? Why might a Christian be more likely to give to charity during Lent? Give 2 ways a Christian might celebrate lent 17th Can you define sacrament? Can you define reconciliation? (2) Give 7 sacraments Why is baptism symbolic? “infant baptism is not as powerful as believers baptism” – give 2 reasons to agree and 2 reasons to disagree Give 3 reasons why the sacraments are important to Christians Give 5 artefacts (objects) that can be found in the church that would be used during the sacrament ceremony's e.g. Font Give 2 benefits of being baptized What do Catholics believe about unbaptized babies? 18th Can you define informal prayer? Can you define liturgical worship? Can you define lord’s prayer? Can you define non-liturgical worship? Can you define prayer? Can you define private worship? Can you define worship? Give 5 things a Christian might pray for Give 4 reasons why people believe prayer is important How might the Lord’s prayer bring a sense of unity to Christians during worship Give 2 examples of ‘liturgy of the word’

3 March 2019 AQA Paper 1 – Christianity 19th Can you define the father?
Give 2 reasons Christians use the term ‘father’ to describe God’ Can you define law? Can you define omnipotent? Can you define the oneness of God? Can you define just? As God is just he is the perfect judge of what? (link to humans) According to the apostles creed who will come to judge the living and the dead? 20th “nothing is impossible with God’ – Luke. What attribute of God is being described here? What is faith? Give 4 ways a Christian can express/show their faith “the afterlife is a good way to get people to behave” – what do you think? Give 2 reasons for your point of view. Explain why someone might disagree with you What does forgiveness mean? What does the Lord’s prayer teach about forgiveness? 21st Can you define grace? Give 4 ways Christians believe God shows his benevolence “love is patient, love is kind” (Corinthians). What does this teach us about God’s love? “I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the father except through me” (John). What is Jesus suggesting here? How is the last supper remembered? Give an example of a biblical conversion experience 22nd Can you define heaven? Can you define hell? What is purgatory and which denomination of Christians believe in it? Who will go to purgatory? “whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John) – who is ‘him’? Which part of the human body will not perish? What does the Bible say heaven is like (hint – sermon on the mount)? “our father in heaven” comes from which set prayer? 23rd Give 4 of Jesus’ miracles What does it mean to ‘accept Jesus as your lord and saviour’? Give 2 reasons why a Christian might face persecution? What is a convert? Give 3 countries that a Christian would face persecution Give 3 ways a Christian could face persecution What is reconciliation? What is a disciple? 24th Can you define holy spirit? Give 2 ways humans can experience the holy spirit. When Jesus left earth he sent what to influence, guide and sustain life? What does eternal mean? What does external mean? “Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (Timothy). What does this mean? What should Christians expect? How does the world council for churches attempt to create opportunities for reconciliation? 25th Can you define incarnation? How do Christians celebrate the incarnation today? What does omnipresent mean? Give 2 methods of salvation “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew). What does that mean? What was the great commission? What is evangelicalism? 26th Can you define infant baptism? Can you define evil? Explain how Jesus’ death is an example of good overcoming evil How does ‘go forth and multiply’ (Genesis) link to the Christian mission? Why do some Christians want to convert others? How is an evangelical different than a missionary? 27th Can you define sin? Can you define original sin? What is temptation? Moral evil is.. Natural evil is .. What is free will? What is the alpha course? Why did Jesus want his disciples to spread his word? Give an example of a modern conversion experience 28th Can you define Iona? Can you define Lourdes? Can you define pilgrimage? Give 2 things a person might do when visiting Lourdes Give 2 things a person might do when visiting Iona Give 4 reasons why someone might go to Lourdes What happened at Lourdes in 1902? Give 5 reasons Christians go on a pilgrimage 29th Can you define Jesus? Can you define Trinity? God is 3 persons. Briefly explain this in 3 points. God is not a physical person but in one form he did have a physical body. What was he called? “The trinity is a helpful way to describe God” – give 3 reasons someone would agree with this statement. Give 3 reasons someone would disagree with this statement 30th/31st Can you define Judgement? Give 3 Christian beliefs about judgement day Explain the parable of the sheep and goats In the parable who did the Farmer represent Sheep represent Goats represent Give 2 actions the sheep did Catholics believe that non-believers cannot go to heaven. Why?

4 Heaven, hell and purgatory Riches in heaven – The Sermon on the Mount
Christianity Complete the bricks by colour coding them all to match the topics line at the bottom. Each brick can have more than one colour but it must have at least one colour. One has been done for you. The last supper God the Father The Son The Holy Spirit Genesis Incarnation Disciples The great mission The crucifixion The ascension Denomination The WORD Omnipotent Judgement Heaven, hell and purgatory The sheep and goats Riches in heaven – The Sermon on the Mount Nativity Easter Lent The lost son Liturgical prayer Set prayer The worldwide Church Sacrifice The good Samaritan Advent CAFOD Christian Aid Street Pastors Trussell Trust Paschal candle Creation Beliefs Practices Jesus Trinity Worship Jesus’ teachings Helping others

5 Explain how each belief influences Christians into action – One has been done for you
What actions would the individual do for themselves? What actions would the individual do for their friends and family? What actions would the individual do for their local community or church ? What actions would the individual do for the worldwide church? God is all-loving, all-powerful, just and omniscient There is one God but he is three persons God created the world (Genesis) Buy organic/Fairtrade produce Recycle Help animals Donate to charity Pray and give thanks to God Learn about the world that God made Travel the world God made Teach their children about how to look after the planet Help their friends/family in need Celebrate the uniqueness of their friends Teach their children how to pray to give thanks Donate to help others Church garden? Support spreading the church message Buy local Encourage others to help the environment Give to charity Donate old clothes to help others Evil and suffering exists in the world There is an afterlife and God will judge their actions in this life God came to earth in the form of Jesus Jesus died to enable humans to reconcile with God Jesus had the last supper with his disciples Jesus rose from the dead Adam and Eve caused sin to enter the world through disobedience Christians can experience and speak to God through prayer Jesus taught that everyone is your neighbour (Good Samaritan) Jesus taught you should forgive others (The Lost Son) Jesus was baptized Mary appeared to Bernadette in Lourdes The virgin Mary was impregnated by the Holy Spirit Jesus helped the poor and needy Jesus wanted his disciples to spread his word

6 Mission Jesus God A B C D E F G H I J K L Worship Charity Trinity
Christianity- L has been done for you. This sheet has some spaces for quotes/teachings/ examples/ evidence as notes which you could use if you were going to write up your ideas in full. God Worship Jesus Mission Trinity Charity A B C D E F G H I J K L Mission as set by Jesus Jesus knew of his sacrifice so wanted to spread his message Disciples Helping others /sense of mission Judgement Example- L – Jesus was God in human form (incarnation) and therefore knew he would sacrifice himself for humankind and their relationship with God. Jesus gave his disciples the mission to spread his word. In the modern world some Christians see part of the purpose of their faith is to share it with others. This includes raising a Christian family, helping others and for some converting others. By doing Jesus’ work they are showing their devotion to God as an act of worship. Modern Christians may also try to help people (including Christians) facing persecution (as Jesus did). They can do this by giving to charity or sending Bibles. Colonial priests tried to convert people in other countries. This was called the ‘great mission’ or ‘great commission’. Missionaries were sent to tell others about Jesus.

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