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Vocab Week 2.

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1 Vocab Week 2

2 Abrasive rough, coarse, harsh Bilk cheat, defraud Covert hidden, undercover Engender cause Hangar storage area (like garage) for a plane Knotty complex, difficult to solve Nuance something subtle, a fine shade of meaning Plagiarism taking credit for someone else's writing or ideas Renown fame Tangent going off the main subject

3 Slick Steve’s only goal in life was to _______ as many elderly people as possible out of their life’s savings. What a rat!

4 Giving your mom flowers can _______feelings of love and happiness.

5 Lora’s __________ behavior kept boys from asking her for a date
Lora’s __________ behavior kept boys from asking her for a date. She was definitely not ladylike!

6 The guys from Mythbusters drove hover cars through the ________ at 100 miles per hour.

7 Marty thought his _________ chewing of gum in class would escape the teacher’s notice, but he was wrong.

8 If your only goal in life is to gain _______ you will probably be disappointed.

9 Practicing ________ as an adult will get you arrested, fined, and thrown in jail.

10 I must admit that I have a tendency to occasionally go off on a _________, but we still accomplish our learning goals.

11 Mr. Parham cannot understand the subtle _______ that separates “banana yellow” from “sunshine yellow.”

12 Although the logic problem was a ________ one, Kellie solved it in just a few seconds.

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