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EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Roundwood fencing solutions.

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Presentation on theme: "EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Roundwood fencing solutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Roundwood fencing solutions

2 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Poor landscape Durability ? High energy No local added value No benefit to forestry Synthetic fencing

3 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Potential for roundwood fencing Natural landscape Durable Benefits local forests Local added value Positive environment

4 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Landscape Natural material combined with traditional techniques

5 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Landscape Synthetic materials in the natural landscape

6 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Durability 20 year old concrete fence

7 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Durability 20 year old wooden fence

8 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Why is roundwood durable? Unbroken fibres do not allow water penetration Nilapuu!

9 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Split wood has the same properties

10 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Energy use Synthetics generally have high energy use + other negative environmental impacts: Air / water pollution Health Production energy requirements (Kilowatt hours per tonne consumed) MaterialEnergy Processed timber580 Bricks2,320 Cement2,900 Plastics3,480 Glass8,120 Steel13,920 Aluminium73,080 Source:

11 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Energy use Manually processed roundwood has very low energy use Positive environmental impacts: Habitat / biodiversity Carbon sequestration

12 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Local business development

13 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Chestnut palings Attractive Very durable 40years! Small businesses Multifunctional forest management / biodiversity

14 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Silviculture Chestnut Pales are harvested from coppices situated in Kent and Sussex. Coppicing is an ancient forest management system whereby the growing tree is cut back to ground level every 15 years, leaving what is known as a stool. The tree then puts out new shoots, up to as many as 12, which can be commercially harvested at the end of the 15 year growing cycle. Small coupes – multi- structured woodland

15 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Environment Coppice woodlands provide excellent habitat, supporting often very specific species Some stools are up to 500 years old, making them some of the oldest living plants in the UK. Coppices flourish on poor ground and therefore are important to the rural economy, both in terms of land usage and employment. Integral feature of the local landscape

16 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Harvesting Motor manual harvesting Small coupes (less than 1 hectare) Low impact / low tech extraction Pole length

17 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Processing Cut to length Peeled

18 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Pales split by hand

19 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Paling construction Pales are wired up into 9m rolls of paling fence Range of heights

20 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Completed / erected fence

21 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Uses Either permanent or re-useable fencing situation such as: Around a building or civil engineering site. Tree and planted area protection. Hazardous areas. Parks, gardens and Country Estates. Crowd control. Temporary car parks and access ways. Erosion control of beaches. Snow drift control.

22 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Other round / split wood fencing Split oak pole - UK

23 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Robinea roundwood post - Hungary

24 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably S. chestnut round pole fence - Italy

25 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Split hazel - Slovakia

26 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Scots pine roundwood pole fence - Finland

27 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Larch roundwood pole fence - UK

28 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Woven hazel - UK

29 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Birch sand fencing - Ireland

30 EURIS – Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively & Sustainably Further study / class discussion Research & discuss the durability, functionality and implications to forest resource management, for these fence types Research & discuss the development potential for roundwood fencing with regard to the forest resources in your country

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