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Technology Usage At the conclusion of the school year, users will be removed from each platform to make room for incoming students in the fall. *It is.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Usage At the conclusion of the school year, users will be removed from each platform to make room for incoming students in the fall. *It is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Usage At the conclusion of the school year, users will be removed from each platform to make room for incoming students in the fall. *It is possible that you may have already gone in and joined, BUT I cleared the lists as of the first week in September…make sure you go back in and re-register your contact!!

2 Online Access Teacher blog:
Online planbook:

3 Instagram Frantasticscience
Pictures of our word wall and various things from our classroom.

4 CHROMEbook/Google log-in
Username = as (first and last initial with student number) – just like in the computer lab! Password is the same as in the computer lab!

5 can be found as an app as well as online through your personal computer. The format is set up by the instructor; in which case I have set it up to act as a “texting chat room”. It is only for those that have been given the password to log in and create their profile. This will cause A LOT of messages to happen but the dialog is only to be science class related. Members who fail to comply with the rules will be kicked out of the “cell”. This is designed for students.

6 – 6th grade class 1.) Text @FRANtasticScience to 23559
2.) the password you must enter is: frantastic Press send 3.) create a name for yourself…press send again. IF there is an error message, make sure you put “frantastic” and not “fantastic” (make sure you have the r )

7 For Android phones (esp. Sprint) 6th grade class
1.) open web browser on your phone/kindle 2.) type in: 3.) once on the website, find the orange button JOIN and put your information in to sign up OR go to the class website.

8 Remind101 Remindme101 is a web based texting option.
Communication can happen only one way (meaning, you can’t text back for a response). This is primarily used for quick updates/reminders. Parents are encouraged to join THIS group as it doesn’t have a great amount of messages.


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