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Welcome Algebra I Parents Open House: Sept 9,2014

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1 Welcome Algebra I Parents Open House: Sept 9,2014
Please sign in!!!

2 This is a high school class!
Upon successfully completing this class, students will earn one high school math credit. Grade earned transfers to high school and becomes part of high school cumulative grade point average. Students that earn an A or B overall will be recommended to go on to Geometry in 9th grade. Students that earn C, D or fail the class will be recommended to retake Algebra 1.

3 Units Family of Functions Linear Functions Quadratic Functions
Polynomials Exponential Functions Mathematical Modeling

4 Grading Policy 10% Formative and 90% Summative
In order to retake formative assessments, all assignments must be complete and corrections are due the day after assessment is returned. Semester grades: 40% 1st quarter; 40% 2nd quarter; 20% exam

5 Absent Work Students have two days for each day they are absent to make up assignments All assignments can be found on It is the student’s responsibility to make up absent work.

6 Additional Help Additional help is available for all students. They may take advantage of the following: Morning help is available with Mrs. Hart Starts at 7:45 am Please try to notify me a day in advance Lunch help is available with Ms. Braniff Please see Mrs. Hart or Ms. Braniff for a lunch pass

7 Donation of “calculator points”
Graphing Calculator It is strongly recommended that students have a TI-Nspire (not CAS) to use at home. Some assignments require the calculator and school calculators cannot be checked out. Donation of “calculator points” greatly appreciated!!!

8 What questions do you have?

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