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The Structure & Divisions of the Bible

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Presentation on theme: "The Structure & Divisions of the Bible"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Structure & Divisions of the Bible
How We Got The Bible The Structure & Divisions of the Bible

2 Defining Familiar Words
Meaning of “Bible” Meaning of “Testament”

3 Christ is the Theme OLD TESTAMENT: In Shadow In Pictures In Type
In Ritual Prophesied Implicitly Revealed NEW TESTAMENT: In Substance In Person In Truth In Reality Present Explicitly Revealed

4 The Bible and Its Ancient Forms
Hebrew Form of the Old Testament Greek Form of the Old Testament Arrangement of the New Testament

5 Hebrew Form of the Old Testament
The Law The Prophets The Writings

6 Greek Form of the Old Testament
Law (Pentateuch) — 5 books Poetry — 5 books History — 12 books Prophets — 17 Books

7 Arrangement of the New Testament
GOSPELS—4 books HISTORY—1 book EPISTLES—21 books Pauline—13 books General—8 books PROPHECY—1 book

8 The Bible in Its Modern Form
Historical Reasons Topical Reasons Structure and Divisions of the Bible Summary and Conclusion

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