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Who were the Progressives?

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Presentation on theme: "Who were the Progressives?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who were the Progressives?
Aim: Who were the progressives and what characteristics did they have?

2 Do Now What do you think are some of the areas in our country that need changing? How would we go about achieving this?

3 Working Conditions People were TRYING to help improve working conditions! Lochner v. NY: the Supreme Court ruled that a NY law limiting bankers hours was unconstitutional because it interfered with the contract between employer and employee Muller v. Oregon: the Court allowed a ruling limiting women to work a 10-hour work day (b/c it was protecting women’s health)

4 Progressives Set out to tackle the problems of their era
They did NOT form a single group! Many different movements!

5 Characteristics Usually city-dwellers
Tended to be educated professionals Demonstrated the rise of the middle class in America!

6 Who Am I? Jamie Oliver Looks to change the way we eat!

7 Who Am I? Al Gore! Trying to make better use of energy sources (clean energy) Looks at the danger of the recent climate change

8 Who Am I? Michelle Obama Tackling obesity in our society through her “Let’s Move” campaign

9 Sum It Up… What were some of the common characteristics of the Progressives?

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