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1 Voice

2 Vocal Classification The most common way to classify voices is by gender and range.

3 Female Voices 1. Soprano – highest 2. Mezzo-soprano – mid range
3. Contralto – lowest (alto in chorus music)

4 Male Voices 1. Tenor – highest 2. Baritone – mid-range
3. Bass – lowest

5 Luciano Pavarotti (Tenor)

6 Opera Opera is a play where the actors sing their lines instead of speak them normally. Operas are typically very elaborate with set design, costume and acting styles.

7 Phantom of the Opera

8 History Originated in Italy during the late Renaissance.
It was intended to resemble music-drama in classical Greece.

9 Language Opera is sung in the language in which it was composed.
Singers must be able to sing in many different languages.

10 Parts of Opera Overture – the instrumental introduction to a dramatic chorus or instrumental piece Recitative – type of singing that is “spoken” to advance the plot or set up the next song. Aria – more melodic singing, where the singer focuses on a subject or emotion.

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