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Honors American Literature Vocbulary

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1 Honors American Literature Vocbulary
List #6

2 contrite (Adj) penitent, eager to be forgiven

3 discursive (Adj) rambling, lacking order

4 ephemeral (Adj.) short-lived, fleeting

5 feral (Adj.) wild, savage

6 hackneyed (adj) unoriginal, trite

7 ineffable (Adj.) unspeakable, incapable of being expressed through words

8 iniquity (N.) wickedness or sin

9 maelstrom (n.) a destructive whirlpool which rapidly sucks in objects

10 nadir (N.) the lowest point of something

11 officious (adj.) Offering one’s services when they are neither wanted nor needed.

12 pernicious (adj.) Extremely destructive or harmful

13 plethora (n.) An abundance, excess

14 prosaic (adj.) Plain, lacking liveliness

15 punctilious (adj.) Eager to follow rules or conventions

16 reprove (v.) To scold, rebuke

17 ribald (Adj.) coarsely, crudely humorous

18 sagacity (n.) shrewdness, soundness of perspective

19 stupefy (v) to astonish, make insensible

20 taciturn (adj) not inclined to talk

21 vacuous (adj) Lack of content or ideas, stupid

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