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Saturnus Child of Caelus and Terra (Father Sky and Mother Earth)

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Presentation on theme: "Saturnus Child of Caelus and Terra (Father Sky and Mother Earth)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Saturnus Child of Caelus and Terra (Father Sky and Mother Earth)
God of wealth, agriculture, liberation, and time Saturnalia- his festival in December; time of feasting, role reversals, free speech, gift exchange, and revelry

2 JUPITER/ ZEUS Child of Saturnus and Ops
King of All Gods, God of Storms and the Sky, Protector of Laws Weapon: Thunderbolt Symbol: The Eagle Many children

3 JUNO/HERA Queen of all Gods, Goddess of Marriage, Protector of Women
Symbol: The Peacock Jealous and Vindictive

4 NEPTUNE/POSEIDON Ruler of the Seas, Brother of Jupiter
Creative: Creates many creatures on land and sea Weapon: The Trident

5 PLUTO/HADES Lord of the Underworld and the Dead The Wealthy God
Married to Proserpina (Persephone) Several important servants: Charon Cerberus

6 CERES/DEMETER Goddess of Grain, the Harvest, and Fertility
Sister of Jupiter Daughter is Proserpina/Persephone, a nymph of the fields and forest

7 VESTA/HESTIA Goddess of Home and Hearth
In Rome, there was a circular temple with a fire in it. As long as the fire burned, it was believed that Rome couldn’t fall Vestal virgins- priestesses who cultivated the sacred fire

8 BACCHUS/DIONYSUS God of Wine, Parties, and Mystery
Always has a foreign connotation to him- why? Reputation for being late Symbol- the grapevine

9 VULCAN/HEPHAESTUS God of Fire and the Forge, of Tools and Weapons
Born Ugly, thrown from Olympus and crippled

10 Venus/Aphrodite

11 VENUS/APHRODITE Goddess of Love and Beauty
Does NOT get along with Juno, goddess of marriage Mother of Cupid, but the father isn't Vulcan. Its....

12 MARS/ARES God of War Violent and destructive in Greek Myth, but better liked and respected in Rome Gets along very well with Venus

13 MINERVA/ATHENA Goddess of Wisdom, Weaving, and War
Carries a shield called the Aegis Symbol: The Owl Born from the brain of Jupiter


15 MERCURY/HERMES God of Messengers, Thieves, Commerce, Travelers, Guides, and many others Guides the souls of the dead to the Underworld Helmet and sandals have wings, which make him the fastest of all gods. Carries a healing staff which he got from...


17 APOLLO God of Prophecy, Music, Archery, the Sun, Medicine, Logic, and Reason Creator of the Bow and Arrow- the rays of the sun are his arrows. Plays the Lyre- traded his healing staff to Mercury for it.


19 DIANA/ARTEMIS Twin sister of Apollo
Goddess of the Moon- the Crescent of the Moon is her bow and its rays are her arrows Goddess of the Hunt Never married or had kids.

20 Which god or goddess is most similar to you?
What are the characteristics of this god or goddess? In what ways are you and this god or goddess alike?

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