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Transmission of Sin.

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1 Transmission of Sin

2 Controlling Questions
Why are we blamed for Adam’s sin? How can God judge us for Adam’s sin?

3 Romans 5:12-18 Paul affirms 2 things in this passage: We are plunged into ruin and death through another man’s (Adam’s) unrighteousness. We are redeemed through another man’s (Christ’s) righteousness We have no problem with the transfer of righteousness, our issue arises with the transfer of unrighteousness

4 3 Different Theories on Transmission of Sin
1. A Myth Adam and Eve are a myth Genesis 3 is a parable which points to every human being born good and righteous, but experiences temptation and experiences an fall.

5 3 different theories on transmission of Sin
This view flatly denies what Scripture teaches. Going back to Romans 5, Paul is arguing the law has been in the world before Moses This theory doesn’t explain: death Death happens between Adam & Moses, including infants. If sin is a myth then how do you explain the entrance of death into the world

6 3 different Theories on the Transmission of Sin
2. Realism God can justly punish sinners born with a sin nature only if the sin nature itself is a just punishment.

7 3 different Theories on the Transmission of Sin
Adam sinned and God game him over to a sinful nature as part of punishment for his actual sin But why give that nature to us because of what Adam did? Realism teaches in some sense we were actually there.

8 3 different Theories on the Transmission of Sin
3. Federalism Representative character of Adam Adam operated as a substitute for us. Just like Jesus is our substitute on the cross, in the garden Adam is our substitute

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