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STUDENT HOUSING Resident Advisor (RA) Selection Process

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Presentation on theme: "STUDENT HOUSING Resident Advisor (RA) Selection Process"— Presentation transcript:

1 2019-2020 STUDENT HOUSING Resident Advisor (RA) Selection Process
Candidate Success Workshop STUDENT HOUSING Resident Advisor (RA) Selection Process Note to presenter: Visit the UCI Career Center website ( to provide examples of resumes as you present.

2 2019-2020 RA Selection Process Timeline Nov. 30 Applications go live
Jan. 13 Application closes at 11:59pm (PST) Feb notification of interview offers Feb Interview sign-ups available Feb 4-8 Candidate Success Workshops (Interviewing Skills) Feb Interviews Mar. 8 Offers go out Mar. 15 Acceptances due

3 Community Information
Arroyo Vista – Academic theme and Greek housing. Primarily continuing students. Campus Village – Open to continuing students and transfers. A fourth of the community will be for Graduate students, the other 3/4 of the community will be undergraduate students. Mesa Court/Middle Earth – Primarily first year student communities. Will add second year residents. ME is currently under construction to add a Tower (currently planned with triple rooms of approximately 500 residents) ________________________________________________________________________________ Separate from Student Housing American Campus Communities – Open to all students. Population varies from first year students to upper class students. They have a Community Assistant position similar to the RA position with a similar application timeline.

4 What we are looking for in your application…
“Show not tell” Authenticity Intangibles Relevance

5 “Show not tell” Provide substance through examples
“As an older sibling, I was often tasked with taking care of my younger brother and trying my best to be a positive role-model for him. I am the first in my family to go to college and find that I excel when I am busy. Currently, I am taking 12 units, working at the Anteatery, actively involved in Chess Club, and averaging above a 3.0 GPA.” “I am awesome. I am responsible, a good communicator, and manage my time well.” Note for presenter: Elaborate on the difference between these two.

6 Authenticity Showcase your true self We are seeking leaders who are as diverse as the communities we serve There are many ways to be a great RA

7 Intangibles What do you bring that we cannot teach?
Note for presenter: Ask the room for examples of “intangibles.” Try not to share too many of your own (e.g., coachability, positivity, flexibility, etc.), but validate their contributions if they’re relevant, and redirect if not.

8 Relevance Some guiding questions:
How do your experiences relate to the RA position? Some guiding questions: What did you learn or how did you grow? How would you use that knowledge as an RA? Hint: Review the RA Job Description.

9 What are experiences worth writing about?
A position you held A leadership retreat you attended Your responsibilities at home Balancing a budget Overcoming physical & emotional challenges Being a part of a team Anything else that is important to you! *Please note that Student Housing staff are required to report and follow up on certain kinds of information if disclosed including incidents of sexual misconduct, thoughts of harm to self or others, or acts of discrimination.

10 These are all equally important experiences. Show us who you are.
Positions/Opportunities Responsibilities Student Body President/Committee Chair Dance Captain Drum Major Office Intern Study Abroad Volunteer Opportunities Supporting your family Working before/after school Overcoming a challenge or hardship Paying bills Standing up for your beliefs These are all equally important experiences. Show us who you are.

11 A word about legibility…
Your spelling and grammar don’t have to be perfect… BUT …if we can’t understand what you’re trying to say, we won’t really know what you bring as a candidate. Ask someone read your materials before submitting. Also think about using a proofreading program like Grammarly. Speaker may want to elaborate on statement “Your spelling and grammar don't have to be perfect” . Suggestions: We understand for some English is not your primary language. As such we suggest using friends and campus resources to have someone look over your resume and short answers to ensure your what you want to say is clear to the reader. As second set of eyes is always helpful.

12 Building a resume is the first step to showcase your passion areas, experiences, qualities, and skills. Note to presenter: Visit the UCI Career Center website ( to provide examples of resumes as you present.

13 YOUR NAME Phone | Email Address | LinkedIn
Header Name, contact information, website (optional) Feel free to create your own branding for your header (see example below) YOUR NAME Phone | Address | LinkedIn StrengthsFinder Top 5 Themes: Individualization, Restorative, Activator, Connectedness, & Empathy

14 Education List university, anticipated graduation date, & major/minor
Include GPA if comfortable Listing High School not necessary May include educational honors such as Dean’s List, Provost Honors, etc.

15 Relevant Coursework (optional)
Write out class titles, not codes or acronyms Tailor this section for different positions that may require a different set of knowledge Use bullets and 2-3 columns RELEVANT COURSEWORK Law in Student Affairs Program Evaluation Organizational Behavior in Higher Education Global Perspectives Inclusive University Student Development Theory

16 What can I have on my resume?

17 Experiences to include on your resume…
Personal, professional, and academic challenges you’ve overcome that demonstrate your qualities and skills Personal, professional, and academic responsibilities you’ve held that demonstrate your qualities and skills Being part of a community (family, sports team, club, organization/institution) Personal, school, & work projects Participating in a retreat, conference or event that has impacted you

18 Experience Bullets POWER VERB + What you did/skill + RESULT
Position, Organization, Location, Date (9/ Present) For personal projects, responsibilities, & challenges Title of experience, date followed by bullet points List most recent at the top of each section Bullet point formula: POWER VERB + What you did/skill + RESULT

19 Suggestions Modern Font: Calibri Margins: 0.5 inch on all sides
Match your resume to the job description Cater skills to each position Rearrange the order of the bullet points to what is most relevant 1 page limit – exceptions for certain jobs and graduate school Your resume is personal!

20 Other Resources Career Center
Website ( Drop –in Advising: Monday-Friday, 11am-2pm Resume samples Free Online Writing Assistance ( is a great resource for resumes that go through an electronic screening process. Resume should include some terminology as listed on the job description to have over a 50% match

21 RA Selection Process Contact Information Mark Alfaro Arroyo Vista Housing Kate Hsieh Campus Village Housing Megan Morrison Mesa Court Housing Amaris Tang Middle Earth Housing

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