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Greek & Latin Vocab 2 leg, dem, bel, vac, loc.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek & Latin Vocab 2 leg, dem, bel, vac, loc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek & Latin Vocab 2 leg, dem, bel, vac, loc

2 empty vac (Latin) SAT Focus Word: vacuous (adj.) vacuum evacuate
empty; lacking in ideas or intelligence Context: Since the election is over, let us hope for a break from all the vacuous speeches. vacuum emptiness of space; to empty of dirt evacuate to make empty Other words: vacation, vacant

3 place loc (Latin) SAT Focus Word: locomotion (n.) local allocate
movement from place to place Context: His primary method of locomotion was by car. local belonging to a particular place in the world allocate to set aside in a place for a particular purpose Other words: locale, location

4 people dem (Greek) SAT Focus Word: epidemic (n.) democracy demographic
disease that affects large numbers of people Context: Obesity is currently an epidemic in our country. democracy government by the people demographic statistics that deal with communities of people Other words: demagogue, democrat

5 law leg (Latin) authorized by law; genuine
SAT Focus Word: legitimate (adj.) authorized by law; genuine Context: You must have a legitimate excuse to miss school. legal pertaining to law legislator one who makes laws Other words: delegate, college

6 war bel (Latin) SAT Focus Word: belligerent (adj.) rebellion bellicose
hostile; having a warlike spirit Context: In Willy Wonka…, Veruca Salt is spoiled, belligerent, and rude. rebellion an armed resistance in war bellicose warlike Other words: rebel, antebellum

7 -ate (Latin) To act –creates a verb form abbreviATE – to make shorter
Suffix of the Week: -ate (Latin) To act –creates a verb form abbreviATE – to make shorter congregATE – to come together delegATE – to give tasks to others creATE – to make

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