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Reinforcement Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Reinforcement Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reinforcement Learning
Hien Van Nguyen University of Houston 2/4/2019 Slides adopted from [1] [2]

2 Deep Q-learning Deep Q-learning:
You don’t know the transitions T(s,a,s’) You don’t know the rewards R(s,a,s’) You choose the actions now State space is large Goal: learn the optimal policy / values Idea: Represent Q-function by a deep network: 2/4/2019 Machine Learning

3 Deep Q-learning Represent Q-function by a deep network
Define objective function by mean-squared error in Q-values: Take derivative: Target Train end-to-end via SGD Can use raw data to represent state 2/4/2019 Machine Learning

4 Policy gradient for continuous actions
Challenge: Action space can be continuous and maximization of Q-function over action space is difficult. 2/4/2019 Machine Learning

5 Deterministic policy gradient
2/4/2019 Machine Learning

6 Deterministic actor-critic
2/4/2019 Machine Learning

7 Deterministic actor-critic learning rule
2/4/2019 Machine Learning

8 Stability issue with Deep RL
2/4/2019 Machine Learning

9 Strategies for improving stability
2/4/2019 Machine Learning

10 Experience replay 2/4/2019 Machine Learning

11 Fixed target Q-network
2/4/2019 Machine Learning

12 How much does DQN help? 2/4/2019 Machine Learning

13 Thank you for taking my class!
2/4/2019 Machine Learning

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