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Social Responsibility: Definition and Debate

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Presentation on theme: "Social Responsibility: Definition and Debate"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSR is a win- win opportunity for companies, financial investors and society at large

2 Social Responsibility: Definition and Debate
The idea that business has social obligations above and beyond making a profit. Business has an obligation to constituent groups in society other than stockholders and beyond that prescribed by law.

3 Purpose of CSR To engage with the internal and external stakeholders
Treating the stakeholders ethically To create high standards of living To protect society and environment To take care of shareholders Philanthropic contributions to society

4 Factors Leading to CSR - Drivers
Globalization and competition Increased size and influence of companies Repositioning of governments and its roles War for talent Growth of global civil society activism

5 Generations of CSR Social Betterment Social responsiveness
First Generation- Companies can be responsible in ways that do not detract from commercial success. Second Generation- Focusing on CSR as an integral part of long term business strategy. Third Generation- Significant contribution to address issues such as poverty, environmental degradation.

6 A Continuum of Social Responsibility Strategies

7 Social Responsibility Strategies
Reactive Strategy Denying responsibility while striving to maintain the status quo by resisting change. Defensive Strategy Resisting additional social responsibilities with legal and public relations tactics.

8 Social Responsibility Strategies (cont’d)
Accommodation Strategy Assuming social responsibility only in response to pressure from interest groups or the government. Proactive Strategy Taking the initiative in formulating and putting in place new programs that serve as role models for industry.

9 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Arguments For
Balancing corporate power with corporate responsibilities Protects business self-interest Limits future government intervention Addresses issues by using business resources and expertise Addresses issues by being proactive

10 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Arguments Against
Business is not equipped to handle social activities Dilutes the primary aim of business Organization may get power over society Increase business power Lack of expertise to handle social issues

11 How do we do it? Key CSR Steps Commitment and Vision Planning
Implementation Monitoring Reporting Continuous Improvement

12 Limitations of Approaches to CSR
Lack of clarity of the definition of CSR Models of CSR not adopted properly by companies Lack of measures to innovate and evolve new CSR models Unidentified segment- need to identify the areas of interest & capability to take up CSR in a focused manner.

13 Organisations IISD (International Institute of Sustainable Development) BSR (Business for Social Responsibility) WEF (World Economic Forum) BSD (Business for Social Responsibility) WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development

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