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Solano LAFCO February 26, 2018.

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1 Solano LAFCO February 26, 2018

2 Mid-Year Budget Status


4 Q/A Bay Area LAFCOs 1) Is your LAFCO: using consultants, completing studies in house, or a combination of both consultants and staff? Three of the Bay Area LAFCOs use consultants (exclusively or almost exclusively). Two use a combination of consultants and staff, and one LAFCO uses staff exclusively.

5 Q/A Bay Area LAFCOs 2) If you use consultants, how is your LAFCO funding the studies? For example, do you have a budget line item for the studies or invoice the individual agencies for the cost of their studies? Four of the Bay Area LAFCOs use a budget line item. One LAFCO does not charge for MSRs as they are completed by staff. One LAFCO does not currently charge for MSRs, (they will include a budget line item for studies next fiscal year) and their LAFCO & County has an agreement that the County will pay for consolidation of fire agencies and related costs.

6 Q/A Bay Area LAFCOs 3) Are you completing MSR/SOI studies on a cycle or on an as needed basis? One LAFCO completes the projects on an as needed basis, while the remaining five LAFCOs complete the studies on a cycle (ranging from 5 year cycles to 6-8 years).

7 Recommendation Appropriate the fund balance for FY 18/19

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