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“Nothing Says ‘I Love You’ Better Than Genuine Love!”

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Presentation on theme: "“Nothing Says ‘I Love You’ Better Than Genuine Love!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Nothing Says ‘I Love You’ Better Than Genuine Love!”
2 Corinthians 6:3-13

2 I miss Dave Craw and his servant heart – the kind of heart a Christian mom displays daily.

3 God used the Apostle Paul to tell the Corinthians and to tell us how practical the following principles are:

4 Purpose: to learn practical ways to express genuine love to one another (especially our moms)

5 I Stay Clear of the OFFEN- SIVE ( v 3)
A. No Stumbling Blocks

6 Paul was concerned about how he was coming across to people. Why
Paul was concerned about how he was coming across to people. Why? Because he wanted to do nothing that would damage his testimony for Christ… We must eliminate stumbling blocks for our testimony as well…

7 I Stay Clear of the OFFEN- SIVE ( v 3)
A. No Stumbling Blocks B. Liberty Used Correctly

8 Tell of a letter from a woman who didn’t understand her husband: “Dear Ann: My husband burns the hairs in his nose with a lighted match and he thinks I’m crazy because I voted for Goldwater!...” Columnist Ann Landers

9 II Stay True in Times of HARSHIP (vv 4-5)
A. First Three – General Trials All Have: B. Next Three – Trials Inflicted by Others:

10 1 Corinthians 13 “…love is patient, always protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres. Love never fails.”

11 II Stay True in Times of HARSHIP (vv 4-5)
A. First Three – General Trials All Have: B. Next Three – Trials Inflicted by Others: C. Final Three – Trials Self- Inflicted:

12 III Stay Aware of Others’ NEEDS (v 6)
A. By Being Understanding B. By Being Patient C. By Being Kind

13 Mary Brunson was driving her husband’s new car
Mary Brunson was driving her husband’s new car. She had a minor accident…

14 IV Stay Joyful and Be VOCAL (vv 8-13)
A. Through Glory and Dishonor B. Sorrowful Yet Always Rejoicing

15 “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!”
Psalm 118:24 “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!”

16 IV Stay Joyful and Be VOCAL (vv 8-13)
A. Through Glory and Dishonor B. Sorrowful Yet Always Rejoicing C. Speak Freely

17 Summary and Conclusion
Almost 200 years ago one of our best encyclopedias discussed the word atom using four lines. But five pages were devoted to a discussion of love. In a recent edition of the same encyclopedia five pages are given to the word atom and love is totally omitted…

18 Summary and Conclusion
“He drew a circle that shut me out, Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout; But love and I had a mind to win; We drew a circle and took her in.”

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