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CGL: Not the Big, Bad Wolf

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1 CGL: Not the Big, Bad Wolf
Presented by Addie Sebastienne

2 What is /CGL? A board on 4chan “Cosplay & Gothic Lolita”
Japanese fashion, anime conventions, itabags, salt

3 Reputation

4 Types of Useful Threads on /CGL
Buy / Sell / Trade Threads Dream Dress Threads Taobao / Aliexpress / Ebay Threads Lolita / Boystyle / Fashion General Threads Makeup General

5 Types of Subjectively Useful Threads
CoF Threads Nitpick Threads Feels Threads / Confession Threads Draw Threads Lifestyle Lolita Threads Room / Décor Inspiration Threads

6 Disclaimer Not all of /cgl is kind and considerate. There are rude people, as with every social media platform. If you are particularly sensitive, it is best not to browse /cgl.

7 Types of useful threads

8 Buy / Sell / Trade Threads
People post things that they want to buy or sell, either directly on the site, or by posting links to Lace Market, Ebay, etc. Used for mainly lolita and cosplay. Sometimes discounts are given to fellow gulls. Useful For: Buying and Selling.

9 Dream Dress Threads A thread in which people post their dream dresses, or items they’re actively searching for. Others link the dream dresses they find. Useful For: Finding dream dresses

10 Taobao / Aliexpress / Ebay Threads
People share links to products they find. People post reviews of products from these sites. People ask questions about specific products, or ask for help finding products. Useful For: Navigating the sometimes-confusing territory that is Chinese websites

11 Fashion General Threads
Threads for everything related to a specific fashion style, almost always J-fashion. Lolita, Ouji, Larme, etc. Discussing new releases, opinions, questions related to the fashion. Useful For: Discussing fashion with like-minded individuals; finding out about new fashions

12 Makeup General Threads
Discussions about everything to do with makeup (and sometimes skincare) Asking & Answering questions about makeup Product recommendations Useful For: Finding out makeup tips and recommendations. Especially good if you are new to makeup. Photo by

13 Types of Subjectively Useful Threads

14 Closet of Frills Threads
People post pictures that have been posted to the Closet of Frills Facebook group. Sometimes people discuss elements of the coord that they like or dislike. Useful For: Gaining inspiration; seeing what people think of coords Photo by Abigail Davis

15 “I would have liked different shoes with this coord.”
Nitpick Threads People post coordinates that, while not bad, could use minor improvements. Tends to be nicer than ita threads “I would have liked different shoes with this coord.” Useful For: Learning (& avoiding) common coordinating mistakes; learning the tastes & trends of the general frilly public Photo: Finninyan

16 Feels / Confession Threads
A place for people to complain, and get advice or sympathy in return. (although the advice is not always good. Take with a grain of salt!) (also probably not a good thread if you suffer from an eating disorder) Useful For: Misery loves company

17 Draw Threads A thread where people post their J-fashion coordinates, and other people draw them. Useful For: Getting art of yourself; discovering new artists

18 Lifestyle Lolita Threads
Discussion of lifestyle lolitas. Asking questions, sharing tips, photos, recipes, etc. Useful For: Lifestyle lolitas to make friends & discuss the lifestyle; others to learn more about the lifestyle

19 Room / Décor Threads People post photos of their rooms or pictures they have found of rooms that fit the /cgl lifestyle. Sometimes people ask questions related to room décor or storage Useful For: Gaining inspiration & ideas

20 & More! Art by PeppermintPopUK on RedBubble

21 Thank You & Happy Lurking!

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