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Word Within the Word List 20.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Within the Word List 20."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Within the Word List 20

2 1. mela Definition- black
melanin: any of a group of naturally occurring dark or black pigments

3 2. vice Definition- In place of
vice versa: using one meaning in place of another

4 foliage: a cluster of leaves, flowers, or branches
Definition- Leaf foliage: a cluster of leaves, flowers, or branches

5 4. atom Definition- vapor
atomizer: a device for converting a substance to a fine spray or vapor

6 orbit: a circular revolution around another body
Definition- circle orbit: a circular revolution around another body

7 multilateral: having many sides
Definition-many multilateral: having many sides

8 ignite: to set fire to; to burn
Definition- Fire ignite: to set fire to; to burn

9 mollify: to calm or soften one’s temper or feelings
Definition- soft mollify: to calm or soften one’s temper or feelings

10 linear: resembling a line; straight
Definition- line linear: resembling a line; straight

11 10. hemi Definition- half hemisphere: a half of a sphere bounded by a great circle

12 11. oo Definition:egg oology: the branch of science that studies the egg, especially bird eggs

13 retrograde: to move or take steps backward
Definition: step retrograde: to move or take steps backward

14 13. pneumo Definition: lung
pneumonia: a disease marked by inflammation of the lungs

15 14. radi Definition: ray radiant: an object or point from which light or heat rays are emitted

16 15. oscu Definition: mouth osculum: the mouth-like opening in a sponge

17 16. ob Definition: against
obstinate: stubbornly against something; an attitude against what is expected

18 17. vect Definition: carry Example: convection
Definition of example: carrying heat in a gas or liquid by circulating air

19 18. digit Definition: finger Example: digital Definition of example:
relating to the finger or toes; done with a finger

20 19. gymno Definition: naked Example: gymnosperm
Example definition: a plant whose seed is not enclosed; naked

21 20. plasm Definition: form Example: plasma
Example definition: clear, yellow form of blood in which cells are suspended

22 21. narco Definition: sleep Example: narcolepsy
Definition: sudden, uncontrollable attacks of deep sleep

23 22. vermi Definition: worm Example: vermicide Definition: substance used to kill worms

24 23. lign Definition: wood Example: ligneous
Definition: having the texture or appearance of wood

25 24. dendr Definition: tree Example: dendrite
Definition: a mineral crystallizing into tree-like branches

26 25. lachry Definition: tear Example: lachrymose Definition: weeping or tearful

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