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Molecular Cell Biology 5068

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1 Molecular Cell Biology 5068
Bob Mercer, ;

2 Goals For MCB 5068 1. Obtain a solid foundation of knowledge in cell biology 2. Obtain a working knowledge of available techniques. 3. Be able to critically read and evaluate the scientific literature. 4. Be able to define and investigate a biological problem.

3 TA’s: Victoria Ismail Aisha Lee
Brittany Townley

4 Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30-10:00 AM, Erlanger Auditorium
Molecular Cell Biology 5068 Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30-10:00 AM, Erlanger Auditorium 9/18 & 10/11 in Holden Auditorium Discussion Section: Wednesday, 3-4 PM Papers assigned One-page summary/critique expected

5 Molecular Cell Biology 5068
To Do: Visit website: Sign up for course Check out Self Assessment homework Visit Discussion Sections: Read “Official” Instructions

6 Molecular Cell Biology 5068

7 Discussion Section Techniques
Protein purification using GST Fusion CRISPER/Cas 9 gene editing SDS-PAGE/Immunoblotting/Immunoprecipitation Immunofluorescence Sanger Sequencing Real time PCR Proliferation Assay/BrdU In vivo intracellular pH determination/pHluorin Size exclusion chromatography

8 Grading: 3 in class closed book exams accounting for 75% of grade
25% of final grade based on performance in Discussion Section Percentage final grades last 2 years: 36% A 28% A- 21% B+ 14% B 0.5% B- 0.5% C+

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