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Vivien Thomas.

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1 Vivien Thomas

2 Vivien Thomas was born on August 9, 1910 in New Iberia to William and Mary
Capitalize August. Put a comma after 9

3 He was named Vivian because his parents expected a girl
He was named Vivian because his parents expected a girl. When he was born they kept the name but changed the spelling.

4 Vivien moved to Nashville, Tennessee with his family in 1912
Comma after Nashville

5 In 1929,Vivien graduated from Pearl High School with honors
Add the year that he graduated

6 Vivien Thomas attended Tennessee Agricultural State College
Vivien Thomas attended Tennessee Agricultural State College. Unfortunately he couldn’t finish because Peoples Bank closed it’s doors so a friend had a job with Dr. Blalock at Vanderbilt School of Medicine Re word these sentences, do not begin a sentence with But or So

7 He researched in animal laboratories with Dr
He researched in animal laboratories with Dr. Blalock on traumatic shock. Space after Dr.

8 On December 22, 1930, he married Clara Beatrice
On December 22, 1930, he married Clara Beatrice. In 1935, they had Alga Fay, then later they had Theodosia Patricia. Try beginning the sentence with the year instead of He again. For example On Decembe…. He married

9 He followed Dr. Blalock to Baltimore, Maryland.
Re word

10 He advised Dr. Blalock through the first successful blue baby operation on November 29, 1944

11 Mr. Thomas the widespread use of blood and plasma transfusions during World War II.

12 Vivien revolutionized the medical profession.
I. Am. Awe. Some!

13 Vivien Thomas continues research after Dr
Vivien Thomas continues research after Dr. Blalock dies on September 5, 1964

14 In 1976 He was awarded an Honorary Doctorate Degree by John Hopkins University and was officially appointed as an instructor in surgery

15 One year later Mr. Thomas retired from hospital work
I’m finally retiring from the hospital. Because I’m old and tired at 67 years old.

16 The life of the great Vivien Thomas ended on November 26 ,1985.

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