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Thursday 11/2/17 Notebook Entry: What are three safety expectations you should follow when conducting a lab investigation?

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday 11/2/17 Notebook Entry: What are three safety expectations you should follow when conducting a lab investigation?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday 11/2/17 Notebook Entry: What are three safety expectations you should follow when conducting a lab investigation?

2 Materials Pie Plate with hot water Cup with cold water Food Coloring Timer
We will place a cup of cold water in a pie plate. We will add hot water to the pie plate. We will place food coloring in the cold water. The movement of the food dye will show us the movement of water as it is heated.

3 How does heat affect the motion in a liquid?
Testable Question How does heat affect the motion in a liquid?

4 Time Keeper: Your job is to keep time with the timer.
Materials Manager: The Materials Manager’s job is to gather and return all materials needed for the lab, unless otherwise directed. Work-area Manager: Your job is to make sure your group’s work area is clean and tidy. Time Keeper: Your job is to keep time with the timer. Lab Manager: Your job is to manage any questions the group may have & you are responsible for putting the dye in the water. As lab manager if you feel someone else would be better with transferring the dye you can pass the job onto he or she. Explain Group Tasks: 3 minutes You will have 15 minutes for this activity.

5 Procedure Fill beaker with 250 ml (use measurement on the right hand side of the scale) of water. B. Raise your hand to have Mrs. Burke come pour the hot water into the pie plate. D. Put .25 ml of dye into the beaker as shown to the right. C. Start the stop watch and notify group of 30 and 60 seconds.

6 Data: Observe the location and movement of the dye at 0, 30 and 60 seconds. After watching the dye move, draw what you saw in the beakers on your lab sheet.

7 Lab Clean Up Materials Manager: Empty the clear container of any materials. Carefully pour the water from the pie plate & the beaker into the clear container. Dump all the water in the white bucket. Wipe out the clear container with a paper towel. Work-area Manager: Make sure there is no water or dye on any of the desks and clean up if there is! Time Keeper: Return the timer to zero and make sure all materials are back in the clear container once there are cleaned up by other group members. (Pie plate, beaker, pipette and stopwatch) Lab Manager: Carefully return the cup of food coloring to the front counter pie plate.

8 Lab Analysis Complete questions 6-9 Use complete sentences.
Turn in lab report sheet when finished

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