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Nefarious (adj).

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Presentation on theme: "Nefarious (adj)."— Presentation transcript:

1 nefarious (adj)

2 flagrantly wicked, evil, villainous

3 palpable (adj)

4 able to be touched or perceived, tangible

5 picayune (adj)

6 of relatively little value or worth

7 plagiarize (v)

8 to steal the work of another and pass it off as your own

9 prestidigitation (n)

10 a sleight-of-hand artist or magician

11 sarcophagus (n)

12 large coffin usually found in a tomb

13 scapegoat (n)

14 one to whom others shift the blame

15 sycophant (n)

16 one who is willing to demean himself by becoming a “yes-man”

17 syndrome (n)

18 cluster of symptoms occurring together indicating a person has a particular disease

19 trivial (adj)

20 found everywhere, common, insignificant

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