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Vocabulary Unit 1-Context Clues.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Unit 1-Context Clues."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Unit 1-Context Clues

2 What are the expecations?
I will give you a vocabulary word or term and you will write down the definition Most of the time I will say to write a sentence using the word Notes will be handed in for points on your vocabulary quiz

3 Context Clues Before we get into new vocabulary words we are going to learn some context clues that will help you understand the meaning of a word when you do not know the definition

4 Synonyms A synonym is a word that has the same or almost the same meaning as another word Go-depart Listen-hear Happy-glad Know-understand Hurry-rush Roomy-spacious

5 Write the word that is most nearly the synonym
Absurd Sensible Foolish Loud Quiet

6 Write the word that is most nearly the synonym
Alert Clear Dull Watchful Distant

7 Write the word that is most nearly the synonym
Generosity Likelihood Charity Selfishness Cleverness

8 Write the word that is most nearly the synonym
Conserve Refill Use up Save Throw away

9 Antonym An antonym is a word that means the opposite of or almost the opposite of another word Awake-asleep Hurry-dawdle Wet-dry Quiet-noisy Gloomy-cheerful Friend-foe

10 Write the word that is most nearly the antonym
Amateur Veteran Beginner Professional Resident

11 Write the word that is most nearly the antonym
Blur Dim Close Open Clarify

12 Write the word that is most nearly the antonym
Intelligent Charming Studious Stupid Lively

13 Write the word that is most nearly the antonym
Ferocious Juvenile Mild Angry Expensive

14 Overly eager for material gain
Denotation Denotation of a word is its specific dictionary meaning Word Scholarly Grasping Travel Denotation Learned Overly eager for material gain Make a journey

15 Connotation Connotation of a word is its tone-that is, the emotions or associations it normally arouses people using, hearing, or reading it Word Scholarly Grasping Travel Connotation Favorable Unfavorable Neutral

16 Exercise Write in your notes whether each word is favorable (F), unfavorable (U), or neutral (N): Conceited Parallel Valiant Excerpt Shiftless Hero

17 Exercise Write in your notes whether each word is favorable (F), unfavorable (U), or neutral (N): Conceited-U Parallel-N Valiant-F Excerpt-N Shiftless-U Hero-F

18 Word Structure Understanding the meaning of ‘word parts’ can help you find the meaning of words as well The root is the part of the word that contains the basic meaning (definition) of the word. The root is the base element of the word.

19 Prefix A prefix is a word element that is placed in front of a root.
A prefix changes the word's meaning or makes a new word.

20 Suffix A suffix is a word element that is placed after the root.
The suffix changes the word's meaning as well as its function (use). Prefixes and suffixes are called affixes because they are attached to a root.

21 Prefix-Examples Prefix com-, con- de-, dis- fore-, pre- in-, im- mid-
mis- re- Meaning together with lower, opposite before, ahead of time in, into middle wrongly, badly again, back Sample Words compatriot, contact devalue, disloyal forewarn, preplan inhale, import midway, midday mistake, misbehave redo, repay

22 Suffix-Examples Suffix -acy, -ance, -ence, -hood, -ity, -ment,
-ness, -ship Meaning state, quality, or condition of, act or process of Sample Words adequacy, attendance, persistence, neighborhood, activity, judgment, brightness, friendship

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