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Quantifying Reconnection*

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1 Quantifying Reconnection*
* NASA grant NAG Dana Longcope, Dave McKenzie Jonathan Cirtain, Jason Scott Montana State University 6th Solar-B Science Meeting Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

2 Prototype* of Solar-B Reconnection Observation
* TRACE SoHO Solar-A GOES New AR emerges near old AR Catalog interconnections (EUV/SXR TRACE/Yohko) Make a magnetic model (LOS M-gram SoHO/MDI) Interp’ data w.r.t. the model Learn about reconnection Requires: long series m-grams (low cadence) long series EUV/SXR (hi cadence) T sensitivity MK 6th Solar-B Science Meeting Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

3 AR emergence CORONA (TRACE) PHOTOSPHERE (SoHO/MDI) Aug 10, 2001
00:00 7:34 12:00 00:00 12:00 00:00 Aug 10, 2001 Aug 11, 2001 AR9574 AR9570 PHOTOSPHERE (SoHO/MDI) 6th Solar-B Science Meeting Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

4 Why this is reconnection*
Tsuneta 1996 Reconnected flux Emerged flux 9570 9574 Old flux Baum & Bratenahl 1976 6th Solar-B Science Meeting * It is NOT a flare Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

5 Catalog Interconn’ing loops:
(Longcope et al. 2005) Synthetic slit separating diff. ARs sec 7:00 Aug10 – 23:59 Aug11 BG subtracted TRACE 171 images: 6th Solar-B Science Meeting Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

6 Lots of loops: ~9:00  14:00 Gen’l bright’g 1st loop: 12:36
Loops are bright features Gen’l bright’g 1st loop: 12:36 6th Solar-B Science Meeting Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

7 Finding the loops Identify peaks in slit-intensity loop = fw @ hm 25
22 26 24 23 6th Solar-B Science Meeting Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

8 Finding the loops Verify spatial correspond-ence w/ intercon’ing loops
6th Solar-B Science Meeting Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

9 Magnetic Model movie SoHO/MDI
Identify distinct regions with |Bz| > 45 G 6th Solar-B Science Meeting Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

10 Magnetic evolution Series of m-grams 6th Solar-B Science Meeting
Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

11 Coronal Field Inter-connecting flux: Interconnection (PF) Increasing
AR9574 6th Solar-B Science Meeting Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

12 Flux in 171 A loops Each loop is a field-line bundle (flux tube)
6th Solar-B Science Meeting Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

13 Flux in 171 A loops Y Flux in pot’l model Flux if B0 = 120 G
A = p(d/2)2 Flux if B0 = 120 G Cummulative loop areas d 6th Solar-B Science Meeting Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

14 Reconnection observed
Heating ~ 5 x 1026 erg/sec 1 GV 0.1 GV Dy = 1021 Mx 24 hour delay Reconn’n burst 1017 Mx/sec emergence 6th Solar-B Science Meeting Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

15 Heating then cooling GOES 1-8 A Reconnection burst TRACE 171 A loops
3hr cooling 7.5 MK -> 1 MK Non-pont 6th Solar-B Science Meeting Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

16 Hot (~7.5 MK) after reconnection…
Heating then cooling movie TRACE 171 A GOES 1-8 A Yohkoh SXT SXT filter ratio EM cool ~ 0.3 hrs Hot (~7.5 MK) after reconnection… T t ~ 10 hrs 6th Solar-B Science Meeting Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

17 Model of energy storage
Constrain Flux Y & minimize energy… W Wfce DW Wpot Flux Constrained Equilibrium (Longcope 2002) W ~ 1031 ergs 6th Solar-B Science Meeting Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

18 Consequence of latency
GOES 1-8 A GOES A Radiated power P ~ 5 x 1026 erg/sec Radiated energy 1031 ergs DWFCE = 1031 6th Solar-B Science Meeting Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

19 Role(s) of Current Sheet
Releases DE ~ I Dy ~ 1028 ergs Non-pont 1018 Mx of newly reconnected flux (1% of DY) 6th Solar-B Science Meeting Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

20 Summary: Reconnection Lessons
AR emergence ==> reconnection (unambiguous case) Reconnection in brief (6 hour) burst after delay of ~24 hours Separator reconnection Produces scores of ~1018 Mx loops Delayed reconnection ==> storage of energy: 1031 ergs 6th Solar-B Science Meeting Kyoto, Nov. 10, 2005

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