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Renaissance Era Unit 7.

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Presentation on theme: "Renaissance Era Unit 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renaissance Era Unit 7

2 Beginning Started in northern Italy, then spread throughout Europe
Trade with Muslims + Classical knowledge = Blend of Ideas Height of Renaissance in England is known as the Elizabethan Era

3 Humanism Focus on reason and logic Rebirth of Classical knowledge
No longer faith and religion Rebirth of Classical knowledge From ancient Greece and Rome

4 Art Shift of attention from religious to human experience
More realistic and 3-D Perspective Painting style Da Vinci and Raphael Sculpture style Michelangelo and Donatello

5 Holidays Resurgence of pagan roots Carnival May Day Michaelmas
Twelfth Night

6 Music Instruments Bards Songs style and topics
Compare a similar modern song

7 Fashion Upper class Women’s fashion Upper class Men’s fashion
Gender roles Lower class fashion

8 Entertainment Shock value Daring, life-threatening Pagan (taboo)
Jousting Falconry Palmistry and Magicians Dancing

9 Literature Vernacular language gets improved and formalized
Shakespeare Printing press Language style Marlowe and Spenser

10 Social Order Nationalism accompanies a rise in monarchal power
No more feudalism Government (Florence) Government (England) Social Class Machiavelli

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