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Dimensional Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Dimensional Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dimensional Analysis

2 Every measurement must have a unit
Without units nothing makes sense If I said I was 12 tall. What would that mean to you?

3 Sometimes when working with numbers with different units, you have to convert so the units are the same. We use dimensional analysis. (aka factor label method) Essentially you multiply by a fraction that is equal to 1 The value of the number is not changed…only the units

4 The numerator and the denominator of the fraction must be equal.
6ft =______ in

5 1in= 2.54cm 5280ft= 1mi 13.5in =_______cm 8,241ft =______ mi

6 1in= 2.54cm 5280ft= 1mi 1yard= 3ft Sometimes it takes more than one factor to get to the correct unit. 300yards = ________mi 2.1mi =______cm

7 12 mi/hr =_______ mi/min 360ft/s =______mi/hr

8 It doesn’t even matter if you understand what the units mean
1 gluk = 2.5zip blag= 7mulk zip = 5 mulk 23gluk =_____ blag 15blag/hr=_______zip/min

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