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Virtual Classroom Tour - VCT

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1 Virtual Classroom Tour - VCT
Middle East and Africa Partners in Learning Forum MOROCCO 27-29 September 2012

2 Name of Project: We are not just a school we are Tech
Educator(s) Mrs. Mona Murad Mr. Mohamed Ekram School Brief description of school context School Background Futures Tech is a part of Futures Educational Systems (FES). FES is a network of K-12 educational institutions offering a variety of educational systems including the National Egyptian System (Thanaweya Amma), American Diploma, IGCSE, French Baccalaureate, and the German Abitur. Our network comprises 17 schools in some of Egypt’s leading governorates (Cairo, Red Sea, South Sinai, Suez, and Assiut). As part of the organization, Futures Tech was founded with a vision of creating an ecosystem that would produce digital citizens. We aim to equip students with pertinent IT certifications that would enable them to join the workforce while studying and to become active, contributing citizens. The school strives to act as a model of excellence, impacting other Egyptian educational institutions by means of spillover effect. Due to its continuous efforts in spreading educational technology and spearheading innovative practices in the region, Futures Tech became a Microsoft Innovative Mentor School in 2012. School Website Content/Subject Areas Mathematics Age/Project Grade level Lesson Objectives Objectives grade 6  After 25th of Jan. revolution, a general sense of rebellion and animosity was felt among the students. The behavior of our students changed 180⁰; they started to feel apathetic towards their school. They were bored by normal activities and constantly felt restless being at school. They were eager to understand and be part of the political scene, which was still new to them. Hence, we decided to get them involved in an activity that would remind them of their affinity for their school and country. We aimed to increase their affiliation, which is one of our main objectives. 1) Enhance school spirit and increase affiliation with school and country. 2) Exploring new teaching methodologies. 3) Designing a miniature model of the school building. 4) Learning new software while taking a greater advantage of the various technologies available at the school. 5) Building 21st Century Skills especially, social responsibility, communication skills, IT skills, critical thinking, self-direction, collaboration, and cooperation skills with others. Our School Film School is located…. School is located…. Our Students Our Students Mohamed Mona


4 Total and Lateral surface area lesson 2
Project Description Design of the Learning Environment Understand, find, and apply lateral area and total surface area of solids to solve real world problems. Dealing with different softwares and technology gave them more confidence and opened their mind to different 21st Century learning skills. They will know the meaning and value of communicating with others and exchanging knowledge and skills. Project Procedure (click the tab): Teams   Teams will compromise groups of 5 students of mixed gender, mixed ability and skills. One of the goals is to promote teamwork in mixed ability groups so that higher ability students get opportunities for peer instruction, and lower ability students benefit from the more advanced collaboration that will arise. Lessons Covered Project description My Team Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 To embed a project resource or materials Have the resource document available. From the Insert menu choose Object. Select Create from File… and click Browse…. Find the file you want to include and click OK. Select Display as icon and click Change Icon… and add a suitable caption. Click OK to add the caption and click OK to embed the file. Use the Action button on the Insert ribbon to activate the object. Use Hyperlinks to link to websites, audio and video that show . Do not embed video or audio, use links to video hosting sites or your school site. Open the Word documents by double clicking the icons. Clicking Save in Word will save the changes. Please ensure that you have the full permission to use any images and video, as this project will be in the public domain. Total and Lateral surface area lesson 2 Drawing scale Lesson 1

5 Rules ( area and perimeter)
Evidence of Learning We beside our students needed a communicating methods either with each other to continue our work from outside the classroom or communicating with people to learn and help them to learn. We started Designing the model of the building and we finished it and celebrated but there was a problem which is; how do we use technology in this product? And the answer was drawing it as a 3D shape using a specific program for this purpose So using outside help, one the students tried and one of the parents was an engineer offered his help and we knew ( Google Sketch Up ) a 3D modeling program and he helped us to make our work in technology form. The students started the 3D modeling for the school building, using software called Google Sketch Up which they depended on outside help, and it is suitable for what we needed, but it is hard to use among such students age, so we intended to use an easier educational one,( Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 ) where we found that all the students used it perfectly forming a simple 3D model without any help. Rules ( area and perimeter) 3 D Shape Preview 2nd 3 D shape Preview

6 Extended learning beyond the classroom
Knowledge Building & Critical Thinking Extended Learning Beyond the Classroom Teacher’s challenges: My main concern while working in this project was the way to answer the typical question asked by my students Why do we have to study mathematics? I found out that even the talented students did not realize that we have to understand what is meant by parallel and perpendicular when cutting the opposite faces of the model. I had a problem with students that did not realize the importance of time and work at such a slow rate that would enable us to meet the dead line. Working together we were able to solve that the problem and the students rate of work was amazing achievement for me. link for rubrics Kinect Extended learning beyond the classroom

7 Cutting Edge Use of Technology for Learning
Collaboration Cutting Edge Use of Technology for Learning Working together for single purpose is the key for the success. This is a project focused on building partnerships. Children are constantly challenged to work with others. Each individual has a part to play in creating knowledge and if we pool our expertise together, we can achieve great things. Cooperation showed the most beautiful there is within us. We built deeper relationships. We got to know our students more, and they, in turn, got to know us more. It was great to see them discover new things about themselves. We learned a lot of software. Each member of the team chose which program to learn and then taught the rest of the group. As a joke, we started using nicknames that reflected their area of expertise. We’d call this student Miss Excel or Mr. AutoCollage. Collaboration

8 Educator as Innovator and Change Agent
Our aim was to use the technology we have in the school with the most effective method and use the tools we have in an innovative and creative way. We started the project with a warm welcome and we created skilled teacher and students. We believe in the importance of projects and technology, We cant go back even if we wanted to, we can't take from our students what they are used to from Blogs, Facebook, chat .....etc. The success of our project brought the best in our teachers either in our school branch or other branches of our school . Each and every teacher is exited for the new academic year to participate and be a part of this success . Our students are proud and love to learn and explore , even slow learners improved their standard and felt that they have a roll. The students life style changed it became quicker and they felt the importance of time which helped improve our evaluation to the curriculum. Our students showed an improvement in Their standard , they felt the importance of math and related it to their daily life. The way the students used the net changed from only chatting and playing games to effective communication helped in build their self confidence. Hearing the sentence what we learnt yesterday is repeatedly said. And for the first time we are sure of the students answer when we ask them do you enjoy learning math . On the personal level we are astonished from this world we entered and we felt that we were late.

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