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Philosophy of Religion

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1 Philosophy of Religion
Comunicación y Gerencia Religious Language Philosophy of Religion

2 Is Religious Language Meaningful?
To express the purpose of language To explore the ways religion uses language To analyse the problem of using religious language

3 What is the purpose of language?
Starter What is the purpose of language? Mind map what you think the purpose of language is

4 Starter What is the purpose of language?
To inform someone To evoke (persuade, entertain etc..) To express something What is the purpose of language? Phatic purposes i.e. informal greetings Poetic literature Metalinguistic i.e. critique of movie or feedback on an essay. Language is ultimately about communication

5 What is Religious Language?
How would you define specifically religious language with examples?

6 What is Religious Language?
Religious language is concerned with speaking about G-d. It is the way people speak about what they believe and why they believe it and it encompasses worship, practice, morality, dogma and doctrine.

7 (Under each sentence give examples….)
What is Religious Language? Includes words that are: Unique in the description of G-d Descriptions of the religious belief Religious technical terms Everyday terms that also have a religious meaning. (Under each sentence give examples….)

8 What is Religious Language?
Includes words that are: Unique in the description of G-d Omnipotent Descriptions of religious belief The Last Supper Religious technical terms Sin Everyday terms that also have a religious meaning. Love

9 How does Religion use Language?
Key Terms: Univocal –the same word is used with exactly the same meaning. Objective. Equivocal- the same word is used with a different meaning or in a vague or ambiguous way. Subjective. G-d is good is… Univocal because… Equivocal because…

10 How does Religion use Language?
Key Terms: Univocal –the same word is used with exactly the same meaning. Objective. Equivocal- the same word is used with a different meaning or in a vague or ambiguous way. Subjective. G-d is good is… Univocal because… Good is used with the same meaning as a human is good or a dog is good. Equivocal because… G-d is not good in the same way that a human is good or a dog is good.

11 How does Religion use Language?
Key Terms: Univocal –the same word is used with exactly the same meaning. Objective. Equivocal- the same word is used with a different meaning or in a vague or ambiguous way. Subjective. G-d is good is… Univocal because… Good is used with the same meaning as a human is good or a dog is good. Equivocal because… G-d is not good in the same way that a human is good or a dog is good. What is the problem with both? Is religious language more univocal or equivocal? 3. Where can you use the term anthropomorphism

12 Problems with Religious Language
Unique in the description of G-d 2. Descriptions of religious belief 3. Religious technical terms 4. Everyday terms that also have a religious meaning. Equivocal Univocal Not just one religion Belief is personal Symbolic Meaning not literal Equivocal Atheist

13 Cognitive (Realist) Language
Factual statements that can be proved either true or false. Either empirically provable Example…. or contains meaningful factual content to a believer. Example

14 Cognitive (Realist) Language
Factual statements that can be proved either true or false. Either empirically provable The Queen is the Head of State. or contains meaningful factual content to a believer. G-d loves me.

15 Non-Cognitive (Anti- Realist) Language
Statements that are not to be taken factually, but are to be understood in other ways – as symbols, metaphors, myths or moral commands. There is no objective universal truth – it’s truth or falsity depends on its context. Expresses a religious truth within the religious community it belongs. Example….

16 Non-Cognitive (Anti- Realist) Language
Statements that are not to be taken factually, but are to be understood in other ways – as symbols, metaphors, myths or moral commands. There is no objective universal truth – it’s truth or falsity depends on its context. Expresses a religious truth within the religious community it belongs. Jesus is the light of the world.

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