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the Past Perfect tense Što izriče ovo vrijeme . . .
. . i kako ga koristimo u engleskome jeziku?
Što je Past Perfect Tense:
The Past Perfect Tense ili “pluskvamperfekt” u hrvatskom jeste pretprošlo vrijeme – njime izričemo prošlu radnju koja se dogodila prije neke druge prošle radnje. Pogledajmo primjere: Divio sam se ptici koja je sletjela na granu. (jesam li se prvo divio ptici, pa je ona poslije sletjela na granu?) Divio sam se ptici koja je bila sletjela na granu. (ptica je sletjela na granu, pa sam joj se poslije divio). DVOSMISLENO, ZAR NE?
Kada koristimo Past Perfect Tense:
~1: Past Perfect koristimo uvijek kada opisujemo prošlu radnju koja se dogodila prije neke druge prošle radnje. We had knocked at the door before we entered the classroom. When I visited Mary, she had already gone.
Kako tvorimo Past Perfect:
Past Perfect tvorimo pomoću prošlog oblika glagola “HAVE” koji glasi HAD i participa prošlog glavnoga glagola: verb Had + past participle *oblik HAD u svim je licima nepromijenjen
Upitni oblik: had + subjekt + glagol (past participle)
Primjer: Had the teacher finished correcting papers when the students arrived?
Negacijski oblik: ili hadn’t + glagol (past participle)
Subjekt + had not + glagol (past participle) ili hadn’t + glagol (past participle) Primjer: The teacher hadn’t finished correcting papers when the students started to arrive.
(+) (-) (?) I had played I hadn't played Had I played? You had played You hadn’t played Had you played? He had played He hadn’t played Had he played? She had played She hadn’t played Had she played? It had played It hadn’t played Had it played? We had played We hadn’t played Had we played? They had played They hadn’t played Had they played?
Primjeri: 1. She only understood the movie because she had read the book. 2. I had never seen such a beautiful sunset before I went to Hawaii. 3. I was happy to find my keys which I had lost.
Kada još možemo upotrijebiti Past Perfect:
~2: Kada opisujemo radnju koja je u prošlosti trajala neko vrijeme prije no što se druga prošla radnja dogodila. They had lived happily for 15 years before they split 5 years ago. They had known each other for 5 years before they started going out.
Primjeri: 1. We had owned our car for 10 years before it finally died.
2. They had been married for 5 years when they had their first child.
Iznimka: točno navedeno vrijeme u prošlosti
Umjesto Past Perfecta u rečenici možemo upotrijebiti Past Simple kada navodimo točno vrijeme izvršenja prošlih radnji. She had visited the U.S. once in 2000 before she moved here in 2005. 2. She visited the U.S. past perfect simple past
He had already left when she called.
PONOVIMO! Kako tvorimo the past perfect tense u engleskome jeziku? Kako glasi pravilo tvorbe? He had already left when she called.
Vježbajmo: STeady? READY? Practice!
Napišite glagole u zagradi u odgovarajućem obliku the past perfect tense-a. STeady? READY? Practice!
When I arrived at the store, it _______________ (close, already).
Choose the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Perfect). Karen ____________ (finish) making dinner by the time her husband came home. When I arrived at the store, it _______________ (close, already).
Choose the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Perfect).
Karen ____________ (finish) making dinner by the time her husband came home. had finished
Choose the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Perfect).
When I arrived at the store, it ________________ (already,close). had already closed
Choose the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Perfect).
The wind _______________ (blow) away the leaves that we _____________ (collect)
The wind blew away the leaves that we had collected.
Answer: The wind blew away the leaves that we had collected. Objašnjenje: Mi smo prije prikupili lišće pa ga je poslije vjetar otpuhao. Što se prvo dogodilo: “we had collected the leaves….” Što se poslije dogodilo: “the wind blew it away…”
Choose the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Perfect).
She ____________ (throw) away the letter that she _____________ (write).
letter that she had written.
Answer: She threw away the letter that she had written. Objašnjenje: Prvo je napisala pismo pa ga je poslije bacila. Što se prvo dogodilo: “she had written the letter….” Što se poslije dogodilo: “she threw it away…”
Choose the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Perfect).
They _________ (show) me the pictures they ____________(take) during their holidays.
pictures, they had taken during
Answer: They showed me the pictures, they had taken during their holidays. Objašnjenje: Prvo su slikali fotografije, pa su mi ih poslije pokazali. Što se prvo dogodilo: “they had taken the pictures….” Što se poslije dogodilo: “they showed them to me…”
Choose the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Perfect).
He _________ (ask) me which animals I ___________ (hunt) in Africa.
Answer: He asked me which animals I had hunted in Africa. Objašnjenje:
Prvo je lovio životinje u Africi, pa su ga poslije pitali. Što se prvo dogodilo: “he had hunted….” Što se poslije dogodilo: “he asked me…”
Choose the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Perfect).
When I __________(arrive) home last night, I ___________(discover) that Jane ___________(prepare) a wonderful candlelight dinner.
Answer: When I arrived home last night, I discovered that Jane had prepared a wonderful candlelight dinner. Objašnjenje: Jane je prvo spremila večeru, pa je poslije on kad je došao kući to otkrio. Što se prvo dogodilo: “Jane had prepared….” Što se poslije dogodilo: “He arrived and discovered…”
Choose the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Perfect).
Last week I _________(run) into an old ex-girlfriend of mine, whom I ___________(not see) for years.
Answer: Last week I ran into an old ex-girlfriend of mine, whom I hadn’t seen for years. Objašnjenje: Prvo je nisam vidio godina, pa sam prošli tjedan naletio na nju. Što se prvo dogodilo: “I hadn’t seen….” Što se poslije dogodilo: “I ran into…”
Choose the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Perfect).
I hardly _________ (recognise) her because she _________(change) a lot.
I hardly recognised her because she had changed a lot.
Answer: I hardly recognised her because she had changed a lot. Objašnjenje: Prvo se je ona jako promijenila, pa je poslije ja nisam mogao prepoznati. Što se prvo dogodilo: “She had changed….” Što se poslije dogodilo: “I hardly recognised her…”
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