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Peregrine Falcon Versus Atlantic Sailfish

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Presentation on theme: "Peregrine Falcon Versus Atlantic Sailfish"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peregrine Falcon Versus Atlantic Sailfish
By: Dereck Chen, 67E

2 First, lets look at the criteria!
1. Physical Appearance! 2. Hunting and Diet! 3. Range! 4. Conservation Status! 5. and most importantly....Speed! Lets do MATH!!

3 Physical Appearance Atlantic Sailfish Peregrine Falcon Body: 36-49cm
Wingspan: 1-1.1m Weight: kg Lifespan: up to 17 years Color: dark with navy blue tinge Body: m Weight: kg Lifespan: about 4 years Color: blue and gray back, white underbellies

4 Hunting and Diet Peregrine Falcon Atlantic Sailfish
Dives to strike and kill prey Food: pigeons, ducks, pheasants, and other medium sized birds Uses "Sails" to herd prey Uses long bills to slice prey Food: squid, tuna, mackerel, and other small fish

5 Range Atlantic Sailfish Peregrine Falcon
Most of Asia, Europe, and Australia Southern and Eastern Africa and South America Eastern North America Tropical and subtropical waters Water about 24 degrees Celcius

6 Conservation Status Peregrine Falcon Atlantic Sailfish Least Concern
Numbers declined due DDT in the 20th century Population rising thanks to ban of DDT and captive breeding programs Least Concern Popular gamefish Population declining

7 Speed Atlantic Sailfish Peregrine Falcon Cruising speed: 65- 110km/h
Diving speed: 160kph- 389kph (fastest recorded) Apparently has a "hyper drive" according to this video Peregrine Falcon sets speed record at 183 mph. [VIDEO] Top speed: 110km/h Great acceleration, low stamina Sail may be used for tight turns Hyperdrive?

8 And the winner is......


10 Thanks For Watching!!

11 Bibliography falcon/

12 Brought to you by LOACH Productions all rights reserved
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