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What Does God Require of You
Introduction: Have you heard some one say, “I know what the Bible says but I can’t live the life it teaches” “Or that it is too hard to be a Christian.” Jesus Says “My yoke is easy and my burden light. Matt 11: Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
What does God Require Deut 10:12 Mic 6:8 To do Justly To love Mercy
To walk humbly with your God Deut 10:12 12 "And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul…. Mic 6:8 He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you Boils down to these three But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God
To Do Justly Definition A judgment either for or against
According to law. The penalty or reward must fit the severity of the act. Due Process required. Justly OT:8199 OT:4941 mishpat (mish-pawt'); from OT:8199; properly, a verdict (favorable or unfavorable) pronounced judicially, Righteous judgments--John 7:24 Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment." especially a sentence or formal decree (human or [participant's] divine law, individual or collective), Basis in this case judgments, divine law including the act, the place, the suit, the crime, and the penalty; Let the penalty suit the crime abstractly, justice, including a participant's right or privilege (statutory or customary), or even a style: Due process
To Do Justly Must know Justice and then make application.
Deut 32:4 (Knowledge) Prov 1:3 (Receivable) Prov 2:1-9 (Understandable) Prov 21:3 (Better than Sacrifice) Matt 23:23 (Priority) Prov 28:5 (Source is Good) Rom 2:14 (Not difficult) Deut 32:4 4 He is the Rock, His work is perfect; For all His ways are justice… His ways are known via the scripture, How he dealt with Israel Things written afore time written for our learning (Romans 15:4) Knowledge is available Prov 1:3 3 To receive the instruction of wisdom, Justice, judgment, and equity; Instruction in justice can be received Prov 2:9 (see verses 1-9) 9 Then you will understand righteousness and justice, Equity and every good path. Justice can be understood (Gen 3:5, 22) Prov 21:3 3 To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice. More important than sacrifice Matt 23:23 23 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone. While righteousness and justice are more acceptable, sacrifice is not to be eliminated, but placed in proper priority. Prov 28:5 5 Evil men do not understand justice, But those who seek the LORD understand all. Seek the wisdom of the Lord and you will understand justice. The task should not be difficult. Rom 2:14 (e.g. Cornelius) Conclusion When we know what it is we simply need to do it.
To Love Mercy Definition:
Treatment better than can be claimed or expected from justice, the letter of the law. The act of doing good rather than harm, friendly, sympathetic. OT:2617 checed (kheh'-sed); from OT:2616; kindness; by implication (towards God) piety: rarely (by opposition) reproof, or (subject.) beauty: Mercy--1. more kindness than justice requires; kindness beyond what can be claimed or expected. kind (1), adjective.1. doing good rather than harm; friendly; sympathetic. Conclusion: Treatment better than can be claimed or expected from justice, the letter of the law. The act of doing good rather than harm, friendly, sympathetic.
To Love Mercy Examples Num 14:18 (Pardon or Forgiveness)
Prov 14:31 (Honor the needy) Prov 14:21 (Merciful to the poor) Proverbs 14:22 (Produced from good) Matt 9:13 (Can be learned) Ps 25:10 (Learned from the ways of God) Heb 10:28 (Is not the letter of the Law) James 2:13 (Is important to us) James 2:13 (Triumph over letter) Examples Return of the spies from Canaan People afraid and want new leaders to return to Egypt—Moses’ Prayer Num 14:18 'The LORD is longsuffering and abundant in mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression; but He by no means clears the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation.' Num 14:19 "Pardon the iniquity of this people, I pray, according to the greatness of Your mercy, just as You have forgiven this people, from Egypt even until now." Prov 14:31 He who oppresses the poor reproaches his Maker, But he who honors Him has mercy on the needy. Prov 14:21 He who despises his neighbor sins; But he who has mercy on the poor, happy is he. Proverbs 14:22 Do they not go astray who devise evil? But mercy and truth belong to those who devise good. Matt 9:13 But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice.' For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance." Ps 25:10 All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth, To such as keep His covenant and His testimonies. Heb 10:28 Anyone who has rejected Moses' law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. James 2:13 For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. James 2:13 Mercy triumphs over judgment.
Walk humbly with your God
Definition: To consider oneself lower in rank or less important. Not Proud, modest in spirit. Submissive. Deeply respectful. It is an attitude humble. Low in position or condition; not important; not grand. Military example The General tells the colonel, colonel tells major…. Modest in spirit; not proud. Submissive. Deut 10:12, Mic 6:8—Walk or keep commands Deeply or courteously respectful. Fear God Text Deut 10:12 Awe Respect for authority
Conclusion Deut 10:12 (Requirements listed)
Mic 6:8 (Requirements have been shown) Hos 12:6 (Return required) Deut 10:12 12 "And now, Israel (sinner), what does the LORD your God require of you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, Mic 6:8 He has shown you, O man, what is good (in the Bible); And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God? When Israel had gone astray Hos 12:6 6 So you, by the help of your God, return; Observe mercy and justice, And wait on your God continually.
Walk Humbly with God Hear Him Believe Him Turn to Him (Repent)
Confess His Son Be Baptized into His Son Some need to return to Him Do justly, love Mercy and walk humbly WE exhort you to Walk humbly with God Hear Him Believe Him Turn to Him (Repent) Confess His Son Be Baptized into His Son Return to Him if you have departed Do justly, love Mercy and walk humbly
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