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The rock cycle and its’ minerals

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Presentation on theme: "The rock cycle and its’ minerals"— Presentation transcript:

1 The rock cycle and its’ minerals
Lets Rock! The rock cycle and its’ minerals

2 There are 3 different types of rocks;
Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic

3 Copy the Rock Cycle Diagram Below (words and arrows)

4 Igneous Rock Igneous rocks are formed by magma and lava as it cools. They can either be very light and airy or the rocks can be glassy.

5 Igneous rock

6 Sedimentary Rock Sedimentary rock is made when sediments (sand, gravel, and dirt) are pressed together to make a rock Sedimentary rock is formed in layers.

7 Sedimentary Rocks Limestone Shale Sandstone Granite

8 Metamorphic Rock Metamorphic rocks are made from other rocks.
Heat and pressure help change an igneous or sedimentary rock into a new rock

9 The Rock Cycle

10 Parts Of Rocks

11 Rocks have many different parts
Rocks can be sorted into groups by looking at the size of their grains and crystals.

12 Crystals Crystals are different atoms that are formed in a pattern. They can be big or small, fat or thin.

13 Grains Grains are smaller pieces of rock or sediment. Their size helps to determine the rock.

14 Minerals

15 Mineral Properties Used to identify minerals Color
Least useful property in identifying minerals. Why?

16 Streak The color of a minerals powder. “streak test”

17 Luster How the minerals surface reflects light.
Metallic vs. non- metallic.

18 Hardness The ability of a mineral to resist being scratched.

19 4. Hardness The harder substances scratch softer substances.
Rating 1-4 soft 5-6 medium hard Ex. A diamond (10) can scratch glass.

20 Identifying Characteristics of Rocks
Igneous Intergrown crystals Glassy texture Lava or magma cools Sedimentary Cemented and compacted sediments-(sand, dirt) Can have Fossils Metamorphic Banding Foliated Come from other rocks

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