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7(2000) *Gloria Acosta *Brian Gonzalez *Cynthia Garcia *Diego Preciado

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1 7(2000) *Gloria Acosta *Brian Gonzalez *Cynthia Garcia *Diego Preciado
*Candido Vazquez

2 GIVEN/BACKGROUND: The Constitution was an attempt to address problems of decentralization that were experienced under the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation was a document, the nation’s first constitution, which was adopted by the second continental congress in 1781 during the American Revolution. The document was limited ,however,because states held most of the power, and congress lacked the power to tax, regulate trade, or control coinage.

3 PART A Q: List three problems of decentralized power that existed under the Articles of Confederation. For each problem you listed, identify one solution that the Constitution provided to address the problem. No Congressional Power over commerce No Congressional power to levy taxes No authority to act directly upon individuals

4 No Congressional Power over commerce
SOLUTION: Congress has the power to regulate both foreign and interstate commerce.

5 No Congressional power to levy taxes
SOLUTION: Extensive power given to congress in order to levy taxes.

6 No authority to act directly upon individuals
SOLUTION: Ample/enough power to enforce laws by quotient of individuals and to some extent states.

7 PART B Q: Some have argued that the tensions between decentralized and centralized power continue to exist. Support this argument by explaining how ONE of the following illustrates the continuing tension. Environmental Policy Gun Control Disability Access

8 Gun Control The 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights states, “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” The federal gun laws are considered to be weak since there no “national” police to enforce them. The legal and illegal distribution of firearms has to be regulated by the state police. The states make their own gun laws to protect their communities from gun violence.

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