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Day hikes in the Sierra Nevada

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1 Day hikes in the Sierra Nevada
July 2013 Resting at Duck Lake

2 Giant Red Paintbrush (Castelleja miniata) along Rock Creek

3 Mts. Morgan, Bear Creek Spire, and Dade above
Rock Creek, Little Lakes Basin

4 Ruby Lake, Little Lakes Basin

5 Bouquet of flowers along Rock Creek

6 Leichtlin's Mariposa Lily on Clouds Rest trail

7 Sierra lilies (Lilium kelleyanum) enroute to Treasure Lakes, John Muir Wilderness

8 A depleted South Lake

9 Monkey flowers and stream near Upper Treasure Lakes

10 Gorgeous Alpine Columbines (perhaps hybridized)
near Treasure Lakes

11 Jeffrey shooting stars (Dodecatheon jeffreyi) at Treasure Lakes

12 Treasure Lakes lunch vista, John Muir Wilderness

13 Mt Johnson rising above an alpine tarn

14 (Cassiope mertensiana) below Mt Johnson
White heather (Cassiope mertensiana) below Mt Johnson

15 Alpine Penstemon (Penstemon davidsonii)

16 Sierra stonecrop (Sedum obtusatum)

17 Approaching clouds above Treasure Lakes

18 Alpine Columbine (Aquilegia pubescens) and
Pink Alumroot (Heuchera rubescens) near Duck Pass

19 Barney Lake vista from near Duck Pass

20 Arizona Thistle (Cirsium arizonicum),
Schulman Grove, Inyo NF

21 Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva) snag, Schulman Grove

22 With Sue at Schulman Grove

23 Bristlecone Pine texture

24 Sue pointing out an unprepossessing Methuselah, now the 2nd oldest
Sue pointing out an unprepossessing Methuselah, now the 2nd oldest* living thing *An older Bristlecone Pine has now been dated. Excludes clonal colonies

25 Cushion buckwheat (Eriogonum ovalifolium) Mt Dana

26 Sky Pilot (Polemonium eximium) at 12,500 ft., Mt Dana

27 Corn lilies (Veratrum californicum), Mt Dana

28 Giant Mountain Larkspur (Delphinium glaucum),
Mt Dana

29 A streamside bouquet, Mt Dana

30 Jeffrey Pine snag, Piute Pass trail, John Muir Wilderness

31 Sierra Gentian (Gentiana holopetala), Piute Pass trail

32 Piute Lake

33 My lunch vista of Summit Lake and Humphrey’s Basin from Piute Pass

34 A yellow-bellied marmot at Piute Pass

35 (P. heterodoxus var. heterodoxus),
Sierra Penstemon (P. heterodoxus var. heterodoxus), Piute Pass

36 Unknown pink flower near Piute Pass

37 Scarlet Penstemon (P. rostriflorus), Piute Pass

38 Sierra Primrose (Primula suffrutescens), Piute Pass

39 Bouquet along Piute Pass trail

40 Red hills beside Piute Pass trail

41 Western Tiger Swallowtail and Sierra Lily

42 Western Monkshood (Aconitum columbianum) along Piute Pass trail

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