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Welcome to Smartsville

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1 Welcome to Smartsville
Mrs. Lineberry’s 3rd Grade Class Parent Night August 9, 2016

2 About Me

3 Schedule & Events Schedule- see class schedule attached in this packet
Special Events Birthdays—Students can celebrate birthdays by bringing a store bought treat. Treats will be eaten at recess time. Parties—If you would like to volunteer, be sure to sign up. (Fall, Holiday, and Valentine Parties) CLASSROOM VOLUNTEERS ALWAYS WELCOME-sign up on back table, if you didn’t a chance, call me.

4 School Supplies Organize tonight, see me if there is a concern about supplies Homework folder is $2.00. Can buy this tonight, see me after presentation. Class T-shirts for field trips and classroom activities are being sold through PTA, form included in home folder, $5.

5 Attendance When your child is absent, please arrange to pick-up any missed work. -Call absence hotline - me directly -Call office early in day to arrange pick up of make-up work in cases of extended absence of 2 or more days. If there is a change in your regular pick-up routine, I must have a note or a message from the office; if I do not have this by the end of the day, I will send your child home the regular way.

6 Money Book Orders—Please make checks made out directly to Scholastic.
Lunch Money—Please put the money in an envelope labeled with the child’s name, my name, and labeled “Lunch.” *Online payments can be made through the parent portal It helps your child’s morning run more smoothly if they decide on a main dish before they get to school. Book Orders—Please make checks made out directly to Scholastic. Can order online, and get a coupon for $5 of free books NO CASH PLEASE!

7 Assignments Make-Up Work—Assignments students have missed due to absences. Students have 1 day for every day missed. Late Work—Assignments that are not turned in by the end of the day, the day that it is due. Late work that is 1 or more days late will be given ½ credit. Incomplete Work--Assignments turned in on time but not finished. Students can earn partial credit for incomplete work, however, I have students work on assignment at recess time, in order to make every effort to complete assignment.

8 Homework Homework Folder—Assignments to be completed will come home in the “Bring Back” pocket of this folder. (listed on Assignment page-please initial nightly. Assignments will be listed on the class website (glogster) daily under Assignment board. Grades—You can see your child’s graded assignments by checking work in the Monday folder and by checking SIS for updated grade averages.

9 Odds & Ends Math Fluency quizzes—A timed test will be given each Thurs. Students will be working for a weekly reward for addition and subtraction during the 1st quarter. 2nd qtr- end of year students will be working on their multiplication facts. STUDENTS SHOULD BE PRACTICING NIGHTLY. Word Work quizzes –weekly check to assess understanding of non-negotiable words. Also assessing in their writing. Book It– Monthly Reading Incentive Program (optional). Students earn rewards from Pizza Hut for completion of a monthly reading assignment.

10 Nightly Routine 1. Check and sign assignment page.
2. Check homework folder. 3. Complete Math homework wkst & fact practice nightly for weekly math fluency quizzes(especially later in year when multiplication is introduced-see resources on Website). 4. Read with your child nightly. It’s so good for the brain & practice makes perfect! 5. Prepare backpack for the next day.

11 Classroom Management Smartsville is unlike any other classroom! Guidelines and a complete description for my classroom management system are in the h.w. folder tonight. The classroom will be structured like a city and students will take part in the city by being productive citizens that will develop leadership skills and will learn a sense of responsibility. I have a Love and Logic Classroom so, consequences for breaking “laws” are given on an individual basis and will relate to the crime.

12 Class Dojo
This year we will be focusing on building important life skills such as working hard and participating. I’ll be using ClassDojo to give students feedback on these skills :)

13 Let’s create an amazing classroom community
We’ll build a positive culture by encouraging skills like “Helping others” and “Perseverance”. We want all parents engaged in our classroom, seeing what we’re learning every day!

14 Why use ClassDojo? ClassDojo is the easiest way to see your child’s progress on these skills, send and receive quick messages and reminders and see your receive updates about your child’s learning.

15 How we’ll use ClassDojo :)
As a teacher, I will: Post important updates and announcements Share photos and videos of our classroom activities Students can also share their classwork on their own digital portfolio. Only their family will be able to view their work.

16 What do parents see? You’ll see the “Story” of our classroom: photos and videos of big moments, important updates, plus your child’s digital portfolio! You can also view a “report” of your child’s feedback for skills we are encouraging in class.

17 iOS, Android, Kindle Fire
Let’s get connected! 3 easy steps 1. Download the app iOS, Android, Kindle Fire 2. Sign up as a parent 3. Enter your code!

18 Let’s try it out I’ll send you a message now! Go on… send one back :)

19 Communication West Phone Number: (417) 582-5907
School Classroom Website: District Website: I will keep you informed by: Class Dojo-behavior management tracking-weekly Dojo Report, quick messaging capabilities, classroom story that displays learning and stores a digital portfolio Assignment sheets, online assignment board on classroom website Weekly newsletter posted on classroom website Monday Folders will have graded work and notes SIS for scores

20 I’m Looking forward to a great year and working together for the success of your children.

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