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Faecal Sludge Management Scenario in Odisha

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1 Faecal Sludge Management Scenario in Odisha
20 September 2016 Dr. Birupakshya Dixit Coordinator – India Programme

2 What is inside Toilet Vs Promoting Open Defecation
Urban Statistics of Odisha Urban Sanitation Status in Odisha Odisha Urban Sanitation Landscaping Study 2013 Odisha Fecal Sludge Treatment Status Environmental and Health Impact Challenges Govt. action to handle these challenges Way Forward

3 Toilet without FSM = Promoting Open Defecation
One truck of Sludge dumped open = 5,000 people defecating in open If we are discharging openly at least one cesspool from each 110 ULBs in Odisha, we are actually promoting 5,50,000 urban people defecating in open everyday.

4 Urban Statistics Odisha

5 Urban Sanitation Status in Odisha

6 Odisha Urban Sanitation Landscaping Study 2013
The Study was conducted in 9 cities of Odisha (Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Puri, Sambalpur, Balasore, Berhampur, Baripada, Roukela, Bhadrak) with a population over 100,000 The Study was conducted in cities such as Except Bhadrak all other cities has a draft CSP Major stakeholders consulted were ULBs, H&UDD, OWSSB, Respective Development Authorities, I/NGOs, Private sectors, CBOs

7 Highlights – Findings of the Study
Sanitation is not priority especially of low income people and majority of them are practicing open defecation; Number of community and public toilets are not sufficient; Larger portion of sewage is being ultimately disposed to natural drains; Possible decentralized sewerage system is not prioritized; Faecal Sludge is being dumped untreated; Private septic tank emptier do not have designated disposal site; Promotion of decentralized FSM system is not considered as an alternative;

8 Odisha Fecal Sludge Treatment Status
Data Source: OWSSB – July 2016

9 Environmental and Health Impact
As a result of the liquid waste dumped untreated (98%) many rivers of Odisha do not conform to the designated best use criteria for drinking after conventional treatment and outdoor bathing as revealed by State Pollution Control Board monitoring data. (Baitarani, Kathjori and Daya water not suitable for drinking purpose) Discharge from insanitary latrines sewage flowing in drains, from septic tanks, septage and sewage mixed with drain water and rampant open defecation pollute the environment and have adverse health impacts.

10 Major recommendations of the Study
Awareness raising on the importance of sanitation especially in slum communities; Required number of community/public toilets shall be constructed as per the guidelines; Decentralized FSM can be a good demonstration on these public utilities; Possibility to introduce decentralized FSM in newly developing areas, public institutions like schools, universities, hospitals, apartment etc; A conducive environment for private sector and the promotion of PPP model in FSM Private sectors; Onsite sanitation solutions seemed necessary to disseminate with sanitation stakeholders for their possible promotion;

11 Challenges Centralized treatment systems cannot reach each and every household of a city. Promoting decentralized systems Constructing toilets with septic tanks by Slum communities (cost/space etc.) Land for treatment sites (Govt. processes / Community resistance) Liquid waste is not seen as a business so far Community perspective on LWM

12 Govt. action to handle these challenges
A comprehensive sewerage system with a treatment facility of 15 MLD capacity has been commissioned in Puri. Integrated sewerage projects at Bhubaneswar and Cuttack are under execution. Three nos of STPs combined treatment capacity of 100 MLD capacity are under execution at present. Administrative approval for two nos of STP at Rourkela (48 MLD) and Sambalpur (40 MLD) are accorded and preliminary activities of project execution has been initiated. Preparation of DPR for Sewerage System in Berhampur city is under progress. Data Source: OWSSB – July 2016

13 Contd.. Septage management in nine cities / towns of the State (Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Rourkela, Sambalpur, Berhampur, Baripada, Balasore, Bhadrak and Puri has been included under ‘AMRUT’ launched by GoI. The draft DPRs for septage treatment facility in Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Rourkela, Sambalpur and Baripada has been prepared by OWSSB. Pre-requisite measures like land identification and acquisition are in progress. In order to regulate construction, cleaning, maintenance, treatment and disposal of septage in urban areas, government has formulated the Odisha Urban Septage Management Guideline 2016. Government has taken steps for procurement of 86 nos of 3KL Cesspool Emptier for 57 ULBs Data Source: OWSSB – July 2016

14 We focus on!

15 Way Forward The government system is gearing towards sensitized actions for treating the generated sludge in the State. Civil Societies and Private Sector needs to join hands with Government to ensure achievement of cleaner cities. Creating awareness among the urban/slum communities on the adverse impact of open defecation is vital towards building clean and healthy cities. The government and municipal authorities need to come out with required guidelines and policies for LWM Practical Action has initiated innovative pilot FSM based city wide sanitation programs in two small cities of Odisha and planning to take up another city soon.

16 This is just the start… but there is a huge need for support from all the stakeholders..… Lets hope and put our efforts towards building a clean and healthy Odisha…

17 Thank you!

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