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Cumberland County Stream-Road Crossing Work Group Purpose: Bring stakeholders together to create crossings that are flood resilient, low maintenance, cost-

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Presentation on theme: "Cumberland County Stream-Road Crossing Work Group Purpose: Bring stakeholders together to create crossings that are flood resilient, low maintenance, cost-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cumberland County Stream-Road Crossing Work Group Purpose: Bring stakeholders together to create crossings that are flood resilient, low maintenance, cost- effective, and allow naturally functioning streams.

2 Partners: Cumberland County EMA - Lori Roth Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District Casco Bay Estuary Partnership - Matt Craig Cumberland County Executive Office - Elizabeth Trice U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Gulf of Maine Coastal Program - Alex Abbott Local Municipalities (you!)

3 How we see the challenges: Flooding is #1 natural hazard in Cumberland County Increased frequency and intensity of storms Regulatory issues surrounding stormwater and water quality Streams changing due to development upstream Loss of native fish populations Strained municipal budgets What do you see as challenges?

4 Our Capacity Create voluntary, non-regulatory approach Provide existing data and maps Collect more data on habitat to identify priorities Pool funds regionally for engineering designs Identify cost-effective technical solutions Assist with permitting process Train towns to collect data for FEMA funding Match road construction to fish passage grants Help identify funds for improving projects Grant writing Pre-construction stream surveys


6 Severe barriers combined with flooding issues


8 Stream Crossing Replacement Example 1 14 Open Bottom Arch on paved town road in Gray = $ 45, 390

9 Stream Crossing Replacement Example 2 14 Open Bottom Arch on paved town road in Brownville = $ 34,500

10 Stream Crossing Replacement Example 3 16 Single Lane Timber Deck / Steel Stringer Bridge on unpaved forest road = $ 12,120

11 Stream Crossing Replacement Example 4 24 Single Lane Timber Deck / Steel Stringer Bridge on unpaved forest road = $ 15,194

12 Stream Crossing Replacement Example 5 13 Corrugated Pipe Arch on paved town road = $ 187,267 * * FEMA funded

13 Questions: Can you fill out a quick Survey to help us identify obstacles to better crossings? What kind of help would be useful to you? How can we work together?

14 For more information: Lori Roth, EMA Hazard Mitigation Planner 892-6785 Matt Craig, Casco Bay Estuary Partnership 228-8359

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