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Better Separation of Crosscutting Concerns with Aspectual Components

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1 Better Separation of Crosscutting Concerns with Aspectual Components
Karl Lieberherr College of Computer Science Demeter Team Northeastern University, Boston We focus on traversal-related concerns. Those are concerns that involve a group of connected objects that we traverse and manipulate to implement a behavior. Those concerns cut across multiple classes and are very common. Following the ideas of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP), we would like to encapsulate a traversal-related concern into an aspect. Doing this in the straight-forward way leads to reduced scattering, but often results in an aspect that is tangled with accidental structural information. We notice a tradeoff between reducing scattering across classes and increasing tangling of structural information in the aspect. We find a fundamental improvement to this tradeoff by using ideas from non-deterministic finite automata theory to reduce both scattering and tangling. The well localized traversal-related aspects can all be written in plain Java using basically three classes from the Java package DJ. We explain the basics of DJ and how you can use it to better structure your Java programs. 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

2 Team with Professors Felleisen, Lorenz, Wand Ph.D. students:
Doug Orleans, Johan Ovlinger Therapon Skotiniotis Pengcheng Wu 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

3 Overview Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP): Crosscutting concerns, controlling tangling and scattering. Example: Collect entities. Aspectual Components + DJ Comparison to AspectJ Summary 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

4 Message AOP is useful and has a long history at NU
Aspectual components, an AOP mechanism, are useful Adaptive Programming mechanisms must be used to properly express traversal-related aspects 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

5 The MIT Technology Review (Jan./Feb. 2001 issue)
Ten emerging technologies that will change the world Untangling Code - Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) Data Mining Micro Fluids Robot Design ... 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

6 Northeastern Connection
Crista Lopes wrote the first Ph.D. Thesis on AOP at Northeastern supported by Xerox PARC. Gregor Kiczales co-advisor. The Demeter Research Group worked with interesting AOP Systems long before the name AOP was invented. 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

7 Quote: MIT Technology Magazine
“The idea of aspects has been around for many years and with many different names. It is called adaptive programming at Northeastern University, and subject-oriented programming at IBM, …” 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

8 AOP: not every concern fits into a component: crosscutting
Goal: find new component structures that encapsulate “rich” concerns 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

9 AOP Crosscutting concerns
Example: Logging: record every operation an application performs “When adding a new operation to this application, always put a trace statement in” Keeping track of crosscutting concerns is error-prone 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

10 AOP Crosscutting concerns, when implemented in an ad-hoc way, lead to a lot of tangling and scattering in the program. Goal of AOP is to control the tangling and scattering in the program. 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

11 Tangling: count color changes
ordinary program better program structure-shy functionality Component 1 structure Component 2 avoid tangled programs AOP synchronization Component 3 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

12 Scattering: count number of components to which color goes
ordinary program better program structure-shy functionality CM1 Concern 1 structure CM2 Concern 2 avoid tangled programs AOP CM3 synchronization Concern 3 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

13 Aspect-Oriented Programming: Example
Separating the following crosscutting concerns: Object Structure concern (JAXB, optional package for Java 2 platform, XML schema; UML class graph) Traversal-related concerns: traverse a group of connected objects and execute code attached to nodes and edges of object graph (advice). separate traversals and advice Those two kinds of concerns appear frequently. 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

14 Crosscutting in Equation System
overall graph: object structure; green graph: traversal; purple: advice usedThings = from EquationSystem through Expression to Variable Crosscutting in Equation System equations es:EquationSystem els:Equation_List new HashSet i1:Ident lhs e1:Equation v1:Variable Object graph rhs els:Expression_List c1:Compound i2:Ident v2:Variable a1:Add add i3:Ident v3:Variable add 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

15 What is a component? any identifiable slice of behaviour that delivers a meaningful service, involving in general several participants, used via well-defined interfaces, formulated for an ideal ontology can be deployed into a concrete ontology, is subject to composition by 3rd parties (black-box reuse) is subject to refinement by 3rd parties (white-box reuse) 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

16 Aspectual Component + ... Class Graph expected interfaces
minimal assumptions on application structure + Class Graph P1 P3 P2 Behavior Definition P P1 before / around after provided = everything public written to the CG similar to an OO program is written to a concrete class graph meth 1,1 ... meth 1,k P3 enhancements = before/around/after + provided meth 3,1 ... meth 3,j before / around after

17 M1: Equation System EquationSystem equations Equation_List Ident *
Variable lhs Equation Numerical rhs Expression_List Simple args Expression * op Add Compound 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

18 Collect Things definedThings System * Thing * usedThings * *
Definition Body definedThings = from System bypassing Body to Thing usedThings = from System through Body to Thing = from System + constraint + to Thing 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

19 M1: Equation System EquationSystem equations Equation_List Ident * lhs
definedThings = from EquationSystem bypassing Expression to Variable M1: Equation System EquationSystem equations Equation_List Ident * lhs Equation Variable Numerical rhs Simple args Expression Expression_List S T * op Add Compound D B 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

20 M1: Equation System EquationSystem equations Equation_List Ident * lhs
usedThings = from EquationSystem through Expression to Variable M1: Equation System EquationSystem equations Equation_List Ident * lhs Equation Variable Numerical rhs Simple args Expression Expression_List S T * op Add Compound D B 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

21 Aspectual Component component COLLECT { participant Source {
expected static ClassGraph cg; public HashSet collect(String constraint){ String id = “from Target to edu.neu.ccs.demeter.Ident”; Visitor v = new Visitor(){ HashSet return_val = new HashSet(); void before(Thing v1){ return_val.add(cg.fetch(v1, id) );} public Object getReturnValue(){return return_val;}};, “from Source” + constraint + “to Target”, v}; participant Target { } } 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

22 Aspectual Component Find appropriate class graph and traversals for task at hand Simplify from graph with 11 nodes to graph with 4 nodes to graph with two nodes. 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

23 Adapter part // EquationSystem class graph attach COLLECT {
EquationSystem += Source with { provide EquationSystem::cg to Source::cg; } Variable += Target } 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

24 Java code green: traversal black bold: structure purple: advice
class System{ String id = “from Thing to edu.neu.ccs.demeter.Ident”; HashSet collect(ClassGraph cg, String constraint){ Visitor v = new Visitor(){ HashSet return_val = new HashSet(); void before(Thing v1){ return_val.add(cg.fetch(v1, id) );} public Object getReturnValue(){return return_val;}}; cg.traverse(this,“from System”+constraint+“to Thing”, v); return (HashSet)v.getReturnValue(); } HashSet defined(ClassGraph cg){ return (HashSet) this.collect(cg, “bypassing Body” );} HashSet used(ClassGraph cg){ return (HashSet) this.collect(cg, “through Body” );}} green: traversal black bold: structure purple: advice red: parameters 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

25 Ad-hoc Implementation of traversal-related concerns
Leads to lots of tangled and scattered code with numerous disadvantages The question is not how to eliminate the tangling but how to reduce it AOP is about tangling control of the implementation of crosscutting concerns Crosscutting will always lead to some tangling at code level 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

26 Need more than localization of crosscutting concerns
If we localize a crosscutting traversal-related concern in the standard way, we get a method that violates the Law of Demeter In addition: Use traversal strategies to eliminate accidental noise in class graph Need AP to improve AOP 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

27 AspectJ (Xerox PARC) A general aspect-oriented programming language for Java. An aspect is like a class and may contain pointcut definitions defining a set of join points and advice saying what to do before, after or instead of the join points. 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

28 DJ (Northeastern) Is a Java package that supports AOP for traversal-related concerns. Connection to AspectJ: both can be used simultaneously. DJ provides an implementation of Adaptive Programming (AP). 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

29 AspectJ (Xerox) DJ (NEU)
Abstract pointcut set of execution points where to watch Advice what to do Concrete pointcut set notation using regular expressions Abstract object slice set of entry/exit points where to go Visitor what to do Actual object slice traversal strategies 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

30 Concepts needed (DJ classes)
ClassGraph Strategy (= Java String = traversal strategy) Visitor 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

31 Strategy ClassGraph Object Adaptive Programming is use-case based
Bold names refer to DJ classes. is use-case based abstraction of ClassGraph New: abstractions of class diagrams notice affinity to design patterns: some of them also talk about families of class structures explain strategies defines family of Object 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

32 Strategy Object Adaptive Programming defines traversals of 2/5/2019
explain strategies 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

33 Strategy Visitor Adaptive Programming guides and informs 2/5/2019
explain strategies Visitor 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

34 AOP AP Program with aspects that correspond to the concerns of the programmer. Relieve the programmer from the details of some concern. Create robustness to changes in an aspect. AP is about join point reduction. Example: structure-shyness 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

35 Benefits of Adaptive Programming
robustness to changes shorter programs design matches program, more understandable code partially automated evolution keep all benefits of OO technology improved productivity ideas can be used without tools Applicable to design and documentation of your current systems. 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

36 Summary AOP getting a lot of attention. Addresses an important problem: how to program crosscutting concerns. AP is about relieving the programmer from the details of a concern: traditionally from the structural concern. 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

37 Summary We view components as slices of behavior Aspectual components
reconcile between functional and object decomposition add new behavior and modify existing behavior are a good model for AOP 2/5/2019 Aspectual Components

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