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2017-18 Parent Presentation 11 July 2018
Our Children – Their Views
What is special about St. Mary’s? There are caring people We do things together There’s lots of places that you can be so you can make friends easily God helps us learn What do you like about the new playground? I think all of the new playground is brilliant because it has been made with love Being able to have the basket balls all the time It feels amazing when you get to the end of the monkey bars then you can say, ‘Yippee I did it!’ I love the obstacle course best The fourth time I made it to the 4th monkey bar I was proud of myself School Council July 2018 and playground feedback April 2018
SDP 2017-2018 Priority 1 Improve the outcomes for vulnerable groups
Strengthening outcomes in maths Priority 3 Promoting outstanding behaviour for learning for all children
SDP Priority 1: Improve the outcomes for vulnerable pupils
New robust system of provision tracking to ensure vulnerable groups are closely monitored and making progress. Interventions are tracked to ensure consistency and value for money. Support from OXSIT (Oxfordshire Schools Inclusion Team) to implement Individual Support Plans for vulnerable pupils. SENCo and SEN Governor liaison to ensure vulnerable pupils are a high priority for all. Year 2 SEND pupil July 2018 ‘I feel I have been doing some great learning especially in maths and English.’ Suzanne Lane ODST School Improvement Advisor ‘Pupils with SEND are fully involved in lessons. Learning Walks show that pupils with SEND engage well with all areas of the curriculum.’
SDP Priority 2: Strengthen outcomes in maths
Two year trend of KS1 maths data above the national figure at expected and greater depth Introduction of target Mats for Year 1 and 2 has increased pupil understanding of progress and attainment ‘Super Numbies’ expectations increased in Year 2 Maths displays have raised profile of subject and celebrated children’s work Moderation of maths across the school helps to identify and embed good practice Children’s views on the use of Target Mats ‘It makes me more confident’ ‘It shows me the order of my learning’ ‘It helps me know what’s happening next’
SDP Priority 3: Promoting outstanding behaviour for learning
Pupil Voice led us to follow up views on Active Club and introduce new information posters about bullying. Playground observations and pupil voice have highlighted the significant benefit of the new playground; children actively engaged in a variety of activities. Adults are consistent in their positive approach to behaviour; support is provided by SENCO and HT, implementation of strategies suggested by external agencies. Increased Parental engagement; working in partnership to support children's needs. Parent Feedback May 2018 ‘The staff are so caring and extremely dedicated to the happiness and wellbeing of each pupil.’
Progress and attainment at St. Mary’s is good for all children
Outcomes of Pupils EYFS Year 1 Phonics Year 2 Phonics Progress and attainment at St. Mary’s is good for all children Year 2017 National 2018 School % GLD 71% 77% Year 2017 National 2018 School % Pass 81% 83% Year 2017 National 2018 School % Pass 92% 96%
Progress at St. Mary’s is good for all children
Key Stage 1 Outcomes Progress at St. Mary’s is good for all children Teacher Assessment % of pupils reaching the Expected Standard and at Greater Depth % of pupils reaching Greater Depth Year National 2017 School 2018 Reading 76% 82% 25% 29% Writing 68% 64% 16% 11% Maths 75% 78% 21%
Parent Survey – We’re listening!
You said . . . We did . . . More opportunities for outdoor learning please We’re on it and already talking to local groups to develop a ‘forest schools’ approach to outdoor learning. We’d like more information on our child’s progress Next autumn, spring and summer terms we will provide information on your child’s attainment and their next steps. We’re struggling with the time frame in the mornings if we have multiple drops We understand. In response have extended our morning opening time to between 8:40 to Registration will be at 9am. It would really help to have an after school care option for working parents We are trying hard to work out if we can manage this will keep you updated. More music please There’s a new music club starting in September
Enriching the Curriculum
95% of families agree or strongly agree that the range of clubs offered by St. Mary’s encourages their child’s growth and development. Parent Survey May 2018
SDP 2018-2019 Priority 1 Improve outcomes in writing Priority 2
Embed and develop the school’s Christian distinctiveness Priority 3 Develop the teaching and assessment of science
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