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Volume 135, Issue 2, Pages e1 (August 2008)

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1 Volume 135, Issue 2, Pages 499-507.e1 (August 2008)
Characterization of Mutant MUTYH Proteins Associated With Familial Colorectal Cancer  Mohsin Ali, Hyeja Kim, Sean Cleary, Claire Cupples, Steven Gallinger, Robert Bristow  Gastroenterology  Volume 135, Issue 2, Pages e1 (August 2008) DOI: /j.gastro Copyright © 2008 AGA Institute Terms and Conditions

2 Figure 1 Analysis of induction and purification of recombinant N-termini tagged GST-MUTYH mutant. (A) Cell lysates were resolved by a 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate–PAGE followed by Coomassie-blue staining to visualize expressed proteins. For each MUTYH protein: lane 1, lysate from uninduced cells; lane 2, lysate from IPTG-induced cells; lane 3, partially purified GST-tagged protein. (B) Western blot analysis of purified recombinant GST-tagged MUTYH and its mutants using rabbit polyclonal antibody against MUTYH (C-termini–truncated variants Y90X, Q377X, E466X, and 1103delC were not detected because the antibody corresponded to amino acids at the C-terminal of the MUTYH protein) or (C) mouse monoclonal antibody against GST. Fluor-conjugated secondary antibody bound to the antibody-antigen complex was detected by infrared image analyzer (LICOR, Lincoln, NE). (B and C) Lane assignment is as follows: lane 1, WT; lane 2, V22M; lane 3, D222N; lane 4, Q324H; lane 5, Y90X; lane 6, Q377X; lane 7, 1103delC; lane 8, Y165C; lane 9, R231H; lane 10, P281L; lane 11, R260Q; lane 12, G382D; and lane 13, E466X; arrows indicate positions of the induced protein bands. Gastroenterology  , e1DOI: ( /j.gastro ) Copyright © 2008 AGA Institute Terms and Conditions

3 Figure 2 Enzymatic activity of MUTYH mutants on 39-mer duplex DNA substrate containing A:GO mismatch. A total of 100 fmol 5′-Cy5–labeled duplex substrate was incubated with 15 pmol WT or mutants MUTYH at 37°C for 30 minutes and analyzed in a denaturing PAGE to detect cleavage products. Lane assignment is as follows: lane S, 20p-mer standard; lane C1, substrate only; lane C2, GST beads; lane C3, MutY (positive control); lane C4, WT (positive control); lane C5, V22M (pseudopositive control); C6, Q324H (pseudopositive control); C7, D222N (negative control); lane 1, Y90X; lane 2, Y165C; lane 3, R231H; lane 4, R260Q; lane 5, P281L; lane 6, Q377X; lane 7, G382D; lane 8, E466X; and lane 9, 1103delC. Gastroenterology  , e1DOI: ( /j.gastro ) Copyright © 2008 AGA Institute Terms and Conditions

4 Figure 3 Time-course activity of the mutant MUTYH proteins was assayed to compare their glycosylase activity with WT. A total of 1000 fmol 5′-Cy5–labeled duplex was incubated with 150 pmol WT or mutant MUTYH in 100 μL buffer at 37°C, 10 μL was removed at 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 60, 120, and 180 minutes, and immediately stopped the reaction by adding 10 μL gel loading buffer with 200 mmol/L NaOH followed by heating at 90°C for 30 minutes. The reaction mix was fractionated and visualized by a Typhoon variable imager. (A) Major product I was quantified by ImageQuant software. Product (mean ± SD) of WT and mutant MUTYH were determined from 3 independent experiments. ■, WT; ▴, V22M; ▾, Q324H; ♦, R26OQ; •, G382D; □, Y90X; Δ, Y165C; ▿, R231H; ◊, P281L; ○, Q377X; ×, E466X; +, 1103ΔC. (B) Rate constants (mean ± SD) were determined by linear regression. Gastroenterology  , e1DOI: ( /j.gastro ) Copyright © 2008 AGA Institute Terms and Conditions

5 Figure 4 Binding of WT and mutant MUTYH proteins with DNA substrates containing an A:GO base pair. A total of 100 fmol of 5′-Cy5–labeled 39-mer substrates were incubated with 15 pmol partially purified bead-free WT or mutant MUTYH proteins at 37°C for 30 minutes in binding buffer. (A) DNA-protein complexes were analyzed by 6% nondenaturing PAGE. Lane 1, substrate only; lane 2, MutY; lane 3, WT; lane 4, Q324H; lane 5, D222N; lane 6, Y90X; lane 7, Y165C; lane 8, R231H; lane 9, R260Q; lane 10, P281L; lane 11, Q377X; lane 12, G382D; lane 13, E466X; and lane 14, 1103delC. (B) DNA-protein complexes I and II were quantified by ImageQuant software. Product (mean ± SD) of WT and mutant MUTYH was determined from 3 independent experiments. □, complex I; ■, complex II. Gastroenterology  , e1DOI: ( /j.gastro ) Copyright © 2008 AGA Institute Terms and Conditions

6 Figure 5 Alignment of MUTYH and MutY amino acid sequences. Unshaded, catalytic domain; shaded, C-terminal domain; red letter, conserved amino acid residue. Gastroenterology  , e1DOI: ( /j.gastro ) Copyright © 2008 AGA Institute Terms and Conditions

7 Supplementary Figure 1 (A) Scheme of DNA glycosylase activity of MUTYH protein on substrate. (B) Assay for background bacterial homolog MutY activity in partially purified MUTYH proteins. A 100-fmol 5′-Cy5–labeled duplex was incubated with 15 pmol of partially purified WT, V22M, and D222N from IPTG-induced and uninduced cells at 37°C for 30 minutes and separated in a denaturing PAGE to detect cleavage products. Lane assignment is as follows: lane S, 20p-mer standard; lane 1, substrate only; lane 2, D222N from uninduced cells; lane 3, D222N from induced cells; lane 4, V22M from uninduced cells; lane 5, V22M from induced cells; lane 6, WT from uninduced cells; lane 7, WT from induced cells; and lane 8, bacterial homolog MutY. Gastroenterology  , e1DOI: ( /j.gastro ) Copyright © 2008 AGA Institute Terms and Conditions

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