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The Hebrews and the Impact of Judaism

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1 The Hebrews and the Impact of Judaism
Analyze the origins, structures, and interactions of societies in the ancient world from 3500 BCE/BC to 500 BCE/BC. Explain the development of monotheism, include: the concepts developed by the ancient Hebrews.





6 Canaan – The Promised Land of The Jewish People
In the Covenant with God, Abraham and his descendents(Jews) were promised the land of Canaan in return for worshipping God and only God as their Almighty God and Creator. Canaan is located in modern day Israel, Palestine, Jordan, and Lebanon. Yes is says great sea, we all know it’s the Mediterranean Sea. 



9 Exodus Moses played in a key role in the Biblical Story of Exodui
Moses was born in Egyptian royalty, but eventually helped lead the enslaved Israelites out of Egypt. According to scripture, Moses led the Israelites out of Egyptian enslavement by “parting” the Red Sea at the Sinai Penisula. Thereafter, Moses led the Israelites through the desert for 40 years while God provided them with food from the heavens.

10 The Ten Commandments God provided Moses with 10 laws for the Jewish people to follow to live an morally righteous life. These laws are known as the Ten Commandments

11 The Ten Commandments

12 Impact of Judaism on Modern SOciety
Blended values emphasized just treatment of individuals and equality before the law. Many of our laws today are from the Ten Commandments

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