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Daily Oral Language level 4 week 4

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1 Daily Oral Language level 4 week 4
On Saturday, miss Washington will speek to us about sioux artists. (3) Yeers ago, several tribes decorate common objects with beads. (2)

2 Daily Oral Language level 4 week 4
3. Kara said egerly, ”I want to see the cases for a knifes.” (3) 4. these cases is decorated with blue red and yellow beeds. (5)

3 Daily Oral Language level 4 week 4
5. How did people cover those belt with beads (2) 6. Eech weever used thred, an loom, and beads of many colors. (4)

4 Daily Oral Language level 4 week 4
7. Mr. wood wear a beeded band around his hed. (4) 8. my friend said, It keeps his hair back and holds a fether. (3)

5 Daily Oral Language level 4 week 4
9. Yesterday i finished a book called The art of the plains Indians by Shirley Glubok. (4) 10. See the beaded cape shown in the book Mrs Big Knife waering it (4)

6 Daily Oral Language level 4 week 4
I and becky just red a story called Boy of the Plains. It was about a young Crow boy. He moved from place to place with his tribe. They had to carry they’re things with them. Often, they kept food in beaded lether bags. The bags were useful for two reesons. They were waterproof, and they didn’t brak eesily. (9)

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