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July 11th 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "July 11th 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 July 11th 2018

2 CTN Agenda

3 2017 Elected Officers President: Mike Archuleta, Centura Trauma System
Vice President: Valerie Brockman, Castle Rock Adventist Hospital Treasurer: Robbie Dumond, University of Colorado Hospital Secretary: Wendy Hyatt, Swedish Medical Center

4 2018 CTN Goals Direction Meetings Education Registry Injury Prevention

5 Treasurer Report

6 CTN 2018 Q2 Financials Dues Collected (01/2018-Current) $5018.50
Current Balance- $26,425.29 Awaiting invoice from STN for Optimal Course at RMTC CTN 2018 Q2 Financials

7 CTN 2018 Annual Budget Income: Expenses: Dues $2,500.00
Income: Dues $2,500.00 TOTAL INCOME $2,500.00 Expenses: Mailings/ Postage $ Safety Deposit Box $ CTN Meeting Food $500.00 Spring Conference $600.00 Winter Conference $600.00 Other Course Fees and Expenses $700.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $2,500.00 NET- $0 *Funds Available as of January 5, $24,519.86

8 CTN Dues Structure-2018 Individual- Facility- Per person- $60
2 people- $100 3 people- $160 4 people- $200 5 people or greater- $285 Make checks payable to : COLORADO TRAUMA NETWORK, INC. Send payments to: Robbie Dumond, CTN Treasurer 11691 Pine Hill St. Parker, CO 80138

9 Dues Received Centura- Parker Adventist SCL Lutheran
Facility Keefe Memorial- Cheyenne Wells Montrose Memorial Colorado Plains- Fort Morgan St. Mary's- Grand Junction Longs Peak Hospital- UC Health Denver Health Valley View- Glenwood Univ. of Colorado Hospital- UC Health HealthONE Medical Center of Aurora Banner- North Colorado Med. Ctr. Memorial Hospital North- UC Health Facility Centura- Parker Adventist SCL Lutheran Centura- (PENROSE) Medical Center of the Rockies- UC Health Vail Health Memorial Hospital- UC Health Kit Carson County Hospital Banner- McKee Medical Center Centura- St. Francis SCL Good Sam Children’s Hospital East Morgan County Hospital Facility Centura Castle Rock Melissa Memorial Hospital Centura- Littleton Adventist Centura- St. Anthony's North Middle Park- Grandby/ Kremmling Parkview Centura - Porter Centura- St. Anthony's Swedish Medical Center

10 Fillable Invoice Invoice to be sent via email
Also available on the CTN Website Complete areas in red and submit with payment

11 CTN Education Committee
Nancy Bartkowiak, chair Sherrie Peckham Robbie Dumond Wendy Hyatt Mike Archuleta Valerie Brockman

12 Fall Conference December 14, 2018-Rita Bass Conference Center Agenda
Focus on registry and PI Martin to speak about the new registry P/P group to IRR (data validation on the top fields that can be tricky Case Studies Poster Presentations Seeking posters that you have submitted and were accepted at conferences for presentation at the meeting Booths Invite all trauma registry vendors No white elephant exchange

13 Spring Conference 2019 May 3, 2019- Swedish Medical Center
Lessons learned: Shorter day 30 min lunch Breakout groups available via phone Key topic: Psych First Aid for you and your trauma teams Potential other topics: Government affairs- CO legislation Trauma criteria How to innovate your trauma program Breakout groups according to job description instead of level of trauma center?

14 CTN TPM/TNC PI/Registry Subcommittee

15 TPM/TNC PI committee Chair :Stephanie Vega UC Health Wendy Erickson St. Francis Robbie Dumond UC Health Valerie Brockman Castle Rock Sherry Peckham Denver Health Missy Sorensen Swedish Christine Thorkildsen-MCR Adriana Heins-PVH Valorie Peaslee-Long’s Peak 

16 UCHealth Medical Center of the Rockies Level II PI

17 Registry Staff Run Daily Reports to identify Trauma Patients and Place in our Excel Log Book
Trauma Nurse Clinicians also identify patients from the daily patient list and enter into the Excel Log Book (Patient name and MRN number are in the first two boxes) Daily Work Flow

18 Classification/Stratification
The Registrars are doing concurrent abstracting Critique reports are run to identify critiques including clinical practice guidelines and complications to be reviewed Trauma Nurse Clinicians then review at Level 1 Example of Acute Kidney Injury Complication Gg If not able to close it moves to Level II review with TPM and TMD Complication 1 or 2 Review NTDB Definition Classification/Stratification Review Questions Acute Kidney Injury 2 Acute Kidney Injury, AKI (stage 3), is an abrupt decrease in kidney function that occurred during the patient’s initial stay at your hospital. KDIGO (Stage 3) Table: (SCr) 3 times baseline OR Increase in SCr to ≥ 4.0 mg/dl (≥ μmol/l) OR Initiation of renal replacement therapy OR, In patients < 18 years, decrease in eGFR to <35 ml/min per 1.73 m² OR Urine output <0.3 ml/kg/h for > 24 hours OR Anuria for > 12 hours A diagnosis of AKI must be documented in the patient’s medical record. If the patient or family refuses treatment (e.g., dialysis,) the condition is still considered to be present if a combination of oliguria and creatinine are present. EXCLUDE patients with renal failure that were requiring chronic renal replacement therapy such as periodic peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis, hemofiltration, or hemodiafiltration prior to injury. Minimal: Any NTDS criteria of AKI without need for RRT Moderate: Need for RRT (CVVH, CVAH, HD) Severe: Need for RRT (CVVH, CVAH, HD) in a patient >65 years of age or patient with baseline creatine >1.5 (or a baseline GFR <50 ml/min/1.73 m2) or need for mechanical ventilation at time of start of dialysis Did pt. require dialysis? What was baseline creatinine(before injury or admit)? Were fluids initiated within __12_ hrs? if urine output less than 0.5 cc/kg/hr Was nephrology consulted? What was highest creatinine measurement-before dialysis? Did AKI resolve before DC? Risk factors:contrast,CRI,shock,drugs(Vanc/zosyn) Trauma Base Entry

19 Level 1 Merge Document for Level II Review

20 Level 1 Document Continued

21 Level 1 Document Continued
The discussion from each case is typed into Trauma Base at the Level II meeting in the PI Screens

22 A Level II merge document is then created
Cases are assigned to providers and or staff These two documents are ed to them securely These are reference documents for Tertiary Review Meeting

23 Peer Review Committee-Cases Reviewed Tertiary Review Meeting Agenda
Introductions Old Business Subcommittee Reports TOPIC Injury Prevention Trauma Reports Admission Volume Admission with ISS > 15 Full Teams from the Field Under/Over Triage Trauma Activations Transfer In Direct Admissions Teams Not Admitted To Trauma Non Surgical Admits Attendance Education Case Reviews New Business Announcements ⃰ Minutes are then prepared and shared with our Quality Department

24 PI at a Level IV

25 Document date of when secondary review occurs, and what was discussed
Case summary and a timeline of events for patient’s hospital course Notes from discussion of case at peer review Summary as to why this was reviewed and what issues were noted by trauma coordinator, and whether this problem requires further review. All the ‘to-do’s’ and action items recognized during each step of the review process Summary of how each action item was addressed and the outcomes

26 Quick summary Document, document, document!
Every conversation that is had regarding the case is documented. If the conversation was had in person, I inform that person that I am going to send them an with a summary of what we spoke about. I then send the , and save it in a folder with all the other information and communication about the specific patient visit. If there isn’t evidence the conversation was had, you can’t fall back on it. In the loop closure, I reference the date of the to check that is was completed. Quick summary

27 Injury Prevention Subcommittee

28 Injury Prevention subcommitee
Chair:Darcy Martin Swedish Medical Center Christina Norman Denver Health Alison Weston UC Health Angela Kedroutek Centura Penrose Lauren Stenger Good Samaritan Laurie Lovedale UC Health Lori Morgan UC Health Marilyn Johnson North Colorado Medical Center Mike Archuleta Centura St. Mary Corwin Robert Hayes St. Anthony Robyn Wolverton UC Health Injury Prevention subcommitee

29 Who Responded: St. Mary’s Medical Center (Grand Junction) Telluride Regional Denver Health UC Health (North Region) Ft. Collins Swedish Medical Center St. Anthony Hospital Medical Center of Aurora Colorado Plains Medical Center (Fort Morgan) Colorado Canyons Hospital (Fruita) AAH, SANHC, 84th NHC (Louisville) Centura San Luis Valley Regional (Alamosa) Gunnison Valley Pagosa Springs Medical Center Banner North (Greeley) Children’s Hospital Colorado Montrose Memorial Porter Adventist Kit Carson County Memorial (Burlington) Lincoln Community (Hugo) Centennial Medical Plaza St. Anthony Summit (Frisco) Mercy Regional Medical Center (Durango) Lutheran Medical Center Littleton Adventist North Suburban Parker Adventist 70 surveys sent to Level l, ll and lll Trauma Centers 28 responses received

30 Results Response to questions (28 responses) 89% CTN Members
100% participate in Injury Prevention Activities 50% have designated IP coordinator/specialist Top 5 risk areas: Motor Vehicle Falls Bike Winter sports Assault and Suicide Results

31 21 different IP programs (Stop the Bleed, Stepping On and Helmet programs most common)
59% hospital funded Multiple challenges in supporting IP programs (time, resources, staff, funding etc.) Results (cont.)

32 Suggestions for CTN’s IP subcommitee
Collaboration/ idea sharing Mentorship Introduction of new programs Create online group and mass list Develop annual or biannual state prevention campaign Assist with funding sources Suggestions for CTN’s IP subcommitee

33 Next meeting Thursday July 19,2018 10am-11am
Denver Health Pavilion H Public Health Dept. bldg. (corner of Bannock and 6th) 3rd floor conference room Next meeting

34 Webpage Master Valerie Brockman Castle Rock Adventist Jodi Greenwood
St. Mary’s Webpage Master


36 Trauma Registry

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