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U.S. Studies II (Periods 1, 3, & 6)

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1 U.S. Studies II (Periods 1, 3, & 6)
Take out your Vietnam Era Unit Plan, and turn to the page titled “Vietnam Era: A Time of Change” notes.

2 Vietnam Era: A Time of Change (1968-1972)

3 The Tet Offensive (1968) Celebration of Tet: Vietnamese New Year
Major offensive by NVA and VC units (Jan. ’68) Strikes against cities and installations all over South Vietnam Phases of the Battle: General Offensive (preliminary attacks) General Uprising (South Vietnamese would help) Fierce battles for Saigon, Hue, and Khe Sanh

4 Effects of the Tet Offensive
Huge military victory for US and ARVN forces! NVA / VC casualties: over 100,000 US / ARVN casualties: around 45,000 NVA / VCA gain no territory, uprising never occurs HOWEVER: Psychological Victory for NVA and VC (mainly on U.S. homefront). North/NLF are NOT surrendering U.S. govt. is distorting “body count” numbers NVA/VC could launch attacks ANYWHERE TV broadcasts everything Serious doubts about whether U.S. can win

5 “The New Pinocchio”

6 Tet’s Final Casualty: The End for LBJ
March 31, 1968: Johnson announces that he will not run for 2nd term. Reasons for dropping out: Vietnam War ruined approval. Tet Offensive proves he has lied. RFK entered the race (assassinated shortly after)

7 The 1968 Election Riots in Chicago during Democratic National Convention Hubert Humphrey (Dem.) vs. Richard Nixon (Rep.) Nixon wins in a landslide.

8 Nixon’s Vietnam Strategy
Nixon’s campaign promise: “Peace with honor” Vietnamization: withdrawing U.S. troops as the ARVN slowly takes over control Pentagon Papers (1971): secret documents that proved Johnson had lied to the people Nixon is a liar too, apparently: Bombs Cambodia (1970) Invades Laos (1971) Operation Linebacker (1972): first major air attacks on major North cities American public begins to doubt the war will ever end

9 College Protests—Spring 1970
Kent State Shooting, May 4, 1970


11 Vietnam II?

12 Video: Tet Offensive Declassified
Essential Question: How was the Tet Offensive both a victory AND a defeat for the U.S.? Details and examples to answer that question in BCR format

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