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New France The Culture and People.

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1 New France The Culture and People

2 Religion Catholic (Catholicism)
Makes sense because the French in France were Catholic Largest Religion in the World 1 of the 2 Major Christian Religions (European) Pope is the Head Deacons, Priests, Bishops, Cardinals (ONLY Men) Jesus Christ is Son of God Get to Heaven from 2 ways: Faith in God, Good Works in Life

3 Social Structure Hierarchy
A system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority. The Opposite of Canadian society today The Opposite of a Democratic Society Most important people at the TOP, least important at the BOTTOM


5 Hierarchy The Very Top: The King of France
The Top: Governor-General, Bishop, Intendant, High Ranking Military The Middle: Seigneur, Priests, Knights, Middle Ranking Military The Bottom: Habitants, Serfs (Peasants), Woman, Low Ranking Soldier

6 Mercantilism (Economic System)
Economic System used by European Empires Economy was controlled by the Government Based on maintaining wealth in the empire It was believed that for 1 Empire to win, another had to lose European countries were in constant competition with each other Gold and Silver mean wealth (Currency) Trade with other Mother Countries and First Nations was encouraged The aim was to Export more Goods and Services than it Imported

7 Major Cities Quebec City Algonquin for “Where the river narrows”
The first True city in North America Capital City of New France Founded by Samuel de Champlain “The Father of New France” Military Capital The site of Major Fort Built along the “Saint Lawrence River”

8 Major Cities Montreal South of Quebec City
Also built along the “Saint Lawrence River” Means “Mount Royal” in French

9 People of New France

10 Soldiers Members of the French military
Were supposed to keep the natives from harassing fur traders and fishermen as well as keep English traders from coming into the area Paid by the King of France to protect his territory in North America


12 Metis French and English fur traders would often marry or start relationships with people of Native American tribes Iroquois, Huron, Algonquin, Ojibwa Their children would in turn be “Half European” and “Half Native” These children became the Metis (Large group exists today) Metis comes from Latin word meaning “To Mix” Many were treated very poorly, as they did not fit into either of the 2 groups (mixed blood)

13 Coureur de Bois/Voyageurs
Fishermen and then fur traders Coureur de Bois meaning “runner of the woods” meant they were working illegally (without a license from the King) Voyageurs were working with a license from the King Produced maps of the areas they visited and improved relations with different native groups often learning their language and marrying native women Traded metal goods for beaver pelts which were sent back to France Came seeking profit and adventure


15 Jesuit Priests Male members of a religious order of the Catholic Church Establish schools for the settler’s sons Build hospitals, churches and convents Help build other public buildings Convert the natives to Christianity Support the colony in it’s faith Fulfill their responsibility to the Catholic Church


17 Seigneur Landowners granted land from the King of France
They were to divided this land into farms and then get habitants to run those farms They would collect taxes from the habitants who ran the farms They needed to build a mill that all the habitants in their area would use as well as help build a church They would report to the Intendant Came because they were granted land by the King and encouraged to come to New France


19 Habitant Small landholders that would work a farm for the seigneurs
Farm land and grow crops to support the colony Pay taxes to the seigneur Work the seigneur’s personal farm land for 10 days a year Some came because there was not enough good farmland left in France Sometimes poor/homeless/criminals rounded up and forced to come Trying to make a better life for themselves in New France


21 Intendant A commoner chosen to be the King’s representative in New France Chief administrator of New France in the King’s name Supervised daily running of the colony Reported to the King of France Appointed for a set time period

22 Jean Talon

23 Filles du Roi King’s Daughters (not really related to the King)
Their job was to come and marry the settlers already in New France and help establish the population (have lots of children and raise families) Sometimes poor or orphaned girls who could not afford a “dowry” and so could not get married Sometimes homeless or criminals forced to come to help the colony They were trying to make a better life for themselves


25 Ursuline Nuns Female members of a religious order of the Catholic Church Founded schools for girls Ran hospitals, caring for the sick and wounded Taught children French, mathematics and religion Convert the natives to Christianity Support the colony in it’s faith Fulfill their responsibility to the Catholic Church


27 Bishop Represented the Roman Catholic Church in New France
Ruled over parish priests and nuns in the King’s name Reported to the King about colony’s activities and ensured harmony among his parishes Member of French nobility appointed by the King

28 Monseigneur de Laval

29 Governor-General Living symbol of the King’s authority
Highest ranking official Military planning, relations with the native people, ensured other officials did their job Member of French nobility (military officer) appointed by the King

30 Marquis de Montcalm


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