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Rules and Suggestions for the Analogy Type of Test and its Sample

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1 Rules and Suggestions for the Analogy Type of Test and its Sample
Eryel L. Comania BSEDE – III Assessment of Learning I, WF 3:00 – 4:30PM

2 Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. determine what is analogy type of test; and b. identify the rules and suggestions in making/constructing an analogy type of test.

3 Analogy type of Test An analogy is a comparison between two objects or systems of objects, that highlights respects in which they are thought to be similar (Stanford Encyclopedia). It is a type of test which is made of items consisting pair of words which are related to each other (Calmorin, 2004).

4 Analogy type of Test It is designed to measure the ability of the students to observe the pair relationship of the first group to the second group (Calmorin, 2004). With analogies, you are looking for similar relationships, not similar meanings (

5 15 Kinds of Relationships of an Analogy Type of Test

6 1. Purpose Example: SHOE is to SHOELACE as DOOR is to a. key b. hinge
c. transom d. threshold

7 1. Purpose Example: SHOE is to SHOELACE as DOOR is to a. key b. hinge
c. transom d. threshold

8 2. Cause and Effect Relationship
Example: NOISE is to DISTRACTING and HARMONY is to a. pleasing b. sound c. harmful d. orchestrated

9 2. Cause and Effect Relationship
Example: NOISE is to DISTRACTING and HARMONY is to a. pleasing b. sound c. harmful d. orchestrated

10 3. Part-Whole Relationship
Example: SLICE is to LOAF as ISLAND is to a. land b. peninsula c. ocean d. archipelago

11 3. Part-Whole Relationship
Example: SLICE is to LOAF as ISLAND is to a. land b. peninsula c. ocean d. archipelago

12 4. Part-Part Relationship
Example: HAND is to ELBOW as FEET is to a. toe b. muscle c. knee d. leg

13 4. Part-Part Relationship
Example: HAND is to ELBOW as FEET is to a. toe b. muscle c. knee d. leg

14 5. Action to Object Relationship
Example: OBEY is to CHILDREN and COMMAND is to a. parents b. army c. teachers d. principal

15 5. Action to Object Relationship
Example: OBEY is to CHILDREN and COMMAND is to a. parents b. army c. teachers d. principal

16 6. Object to Action Relationship
Example: EGG is to BEAT as POTATO is to a. slash b. mash c. hash d. slice

17 6. Object to Action Relationship
Example: EGG is to BEAT as POTATO is to a. slash b. mash c. hash d. slice

18 7. Synonym Relationship Example: DIG : ESCAVATE :: KILL : _________
a. avenge b. convict c. try d. slay

19 7. Synonym Relationship Example: DIG : ESCAVATE :: KILL : _________
a. avenge b. convict c. try d. slay

20 8. Antonym Relationship Example: FLY : SPIDER :: MOUSE : _________
a. cat b. rat c. rodent d. animal

21 8. Antonym Relationship Example: FLY : SPIDER :: MOUSE : _________
a. cat b. rat c. rodent d. animal

22 9. Place Relationship Example: a. vein b. plasma c. corpuscle d. body
WATER : AQUEDUCT :: BLOOD : _______ a. vein b. plasma c. corpuscle d. body

23 9. Place Relationship Example: a. vein b. plasma c. corpuscle d. body
WATER : AQUEDUCT :: BLOOD : _______ a. vein b. plasma c. corpuscle d. body

24 10. Degree Relationship Example: a. deceive b. expect c. prove
POSSIBLE : PROBABLE :: HOPE : ________ a. deceive b. expect c. prove d. present

25 10. Degree Relationship Example: a. deceive b. expect c. prove
POSSIBLE : PROBABLE :: HOPE : ________ a. deceive b. expect c. prove d. present

26 11. Characteristic Relationship
Example: RICH : OWN :: WISE : _________ a. teach b. divulge c. save d. know

27 11. Characteristic Relationship
Example: RICH : OWN :: WISE : _________ a. teach b. divulge c. save d. know

28 12. Sequence Relationship
Example: MONDAY : WEDNESDAY :: SUNDAY : _____ a. Monday b. Wednesday c. Tuesday d. Thursday

29 12. Sequence Relationship
Example: MONDAY : WEDNESDAY :: SUNDAY : _____ a. Monday b. Wednesday c. Tuesday d. Thursday

30 13. Grammatical Relationship
Example: SHABBY : SHABBILY :: HARMONIOUS : ____ a. harmonica b. harmoniously c. harmony d. harp

31 13. Grammatical Relationship
Example: SHABBY : SHABBILY :: HARMONIOUS : ____ a. harmonica b. harmoniously c. harmony d. harp

32 14. Numerical Relationship
Example: 1/3 : 1/9 :: 1/6 : _____ a. 1/6 b. 1/15 c. 1/2 d. 1/36

33 14. Numerical Relationship
Example: 1/3 : 1/9 :: 1/6 : _____ a. 1/6 b. 1/15 c. 1/2 d. 1/36

34 15. Association Relationship
Example: ROMANCE : MOON :: RIBBON : ________ a. horse b. lace c. gift d. baloney

35 15. Association Relationship
Example: ROMANCE : MOON :: RIBBON : ________ a. horse b. lace c. gift d. baloney

36 Suggestions in the Construction of Analogy Type of Test

37 The relationship of the first pair must be equal to the relationship of the second.

38 The distracters or wrong answer must be plausible.

39 All options must be constructed in parallel language.

40 All items must be grammatically consistent.

41 Four or more options must be included in each item.

42 Only homogeneous relationship must be included in each item

43 References Analogies strategies. The SAT test strategies. Retrieved on
February 09, 2015 from Analogy. Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy Retrieved on February 09, 2015 from analogy/. Calmorin, L. (2004). Measurement and evaluation 3rd ed. Mandaluyong City. National Bookstore Inc.

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