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The Risks of a Peregrine Falcon In the Wild Vs. in an Urban Area By Lauren & Mya.

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Presentation on theme: "The Risks of a Peregrine Falcon In the Wild Vs. in an Urban Area By Lauren & Mya."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Risks of a Peregrine Falcon In the Wild Vs. in an Urban Area By Lauren & Mya

2 Risks in the Wild Pesticides Pesticides are very dangerous to Peregrines, especially the pesticide DDT. When a human puts DDT on their plants it also gets on bugs. Other birds eat the bugs. Peregrines eat birds. The DDT goes through the food chain. When the falcons lay eggs the DDT makes the shells weak and they break. The eyases die, endangering the population of Peregrines.

3 Risks in the Wild Habitat Destruction Peregrines habitats are being destroyed by development of rural areas. Falcon parents abandon the eggs and nest. This puts developing eggs at risk. Without being incubated they die.

4 Risks in the Wild Illegal Selling Poachers steel any type falcon from the wild and sell them for thousands of dollars. It is a risk because the poachers may endanger them.

5 Risks In the Wild and Urban Area Utility Poles High voltage wires and utility poles are a risk to Peregrines because if they land on them, and make a connection between the wires, they get shocked and killed.

6 Risks In an Urban Area Fighting and Crashing When Peregrines fight for their territory, they sometimes lose their balance, spin, then if there is a tall building by them they might crash, fall hard, and die. High rise buildings are a big threat.

7 Risks in an Urban Area Global Warming If a Peregrine migrates to a place that have not been used to before, global warming may have changed the habitat and if they cant adapt to the change their population may be affected.

8 Resources last-one.html oc_type=fact&id=108 Frightfuls Mountain

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