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Feature Story Deconstructed

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1 Feature Story Deconstructed

2 What’s the difference between a news story and a feature story?

3 Next-day, Follow-up, Second-Day, News Feature Stories
A story that follows a news story. Doesn’t have to be exactly the next day. Often look at the “why” It can be a profile, news feature, trend article, op-ed, graphic, etc.

4 “North Korea Says It’s Ready to Strike U.S. Aircraft”
If this is the news… “North Korea Says It’s Ready to Strike U.S. Aircraft”

5 “Where would a North Korean air strike hit the U.S.?”
This is a feature… “Where would a North Korean air strike hit the U.S.?”

6 This is also a feature “North Korea Nuclear Threat: Should California Panic?”

7 If this is the news… “Government May Shut Down if Lawmakers Can’t Agree on Budget by Friday”

8 “How will regular citizens be affected?”
This is a feature… “How will regular citizens be affected?”

9 “What’s social media saying about potential government shutdown?”
This is a feature… “What’s social media saying about potential government shutdown?”


11 The Follow-up Story Why Prince’s Death Still Feels Unreal Two Years Later – April 21, 2018

12 Widespread Chemical Attacks Suspected in Syria

13 Cambridge Analytica, a firm hired by the Trump campaign, acquired access to the private data of 50 million Facebook users.

14 Rapper Cardi B reveals pregnancy on Saturday Night Live

15 Helicopter crash in East River kills five passengers

16 Assignment: due Thursday 4/12/2018
Find two RECENT hard news stories from a newspaper or news website. (New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Daily News,, msnbc,, news) Jot down the headline, summarize the who, what, when, where. Think of three second-day or follow-up stories that relate to each of your news stories. (6 ideas total) Describe your ideas in two or three sentences; no more. Please type, double-space, include your name. Your ideas must be based on facts; don’t make up stuff! Each of you will discuss one story and your ideas in class then turn in assignment.

17 Linda Villarosa News and Follow Up Assignment Introduction to Journalism April 2018   Headline: ”Cynthia Nixon Confirms She’s Running for NY Governor”, 3/19/2018 News Story: After months of speculation, actress Cynthia Nixon announced today on Twitter that she would run in the Democratic primary in September for governor of New York. Three follow-up ideas:  1.What are Cynthia Nixon’s political beliefs, what are her platforms and what experience does she have that would make her a good governor? 2. A look at Nixon’s career as an actress: What has she starred in, on TV, Broadway and film, what awards has she won, how did she get into the acting business? 3. Can she beat Cuomo? An examination of his record and interviews with political experts about her chances of winning.

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